Metal Sonic: I'm not a Christmas tree

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I've always been a bit of an airhead but this may be my biggest blunder yet. First, the robot who was supposed to capture me got caught in the snowstorm and is now stuck in my house. But that isn't my biggest problem. In my hurry to get everything inside, including Metal Sonic, I left the most important thing outside tied to my car. My Christmas tree... It's Christmas eve and it's a blizzard out there. I've always been late to do decorating and I guess this'll be the year I have no tree. But tree or no tree, I'm not about to let that stop me from celebrating Christmas. Metal Sonic stares at me silently. I wish he could talk to me. At least then there would be noise to fill the void. Instead, to fill the void I start playing Christmas music and start putting up my late decorations. As I'm decorating, I notice Metal Sonic hasn't moved from the spot I put him. A strange idea hits me. I grab Metal Sonic by the shoulders and guide him to a spot in the middle of my living room. I then begin stringing lights on him. Then some (F/C) ribbons with (S/C) trim. Finally I hang some different colored ornaments on his hands, arms and fingers. The expression his eye display gives seems annoyed and unamused, but he does nothing to stop me so I add a star on top of his head. I plug in the lights and like a proper Christmas tree, Metal Sonic lights up. Suddenly I hear mechanical laughter. Looking for the source I find Metal Sonic's head and shoulders moving up and down like he's laughing. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I'm not a Christmas tree. But, just for tonight, I'll be your Christmas tree."

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