Silver the Hedgehog: Snow Day

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    "Please Silver!" I kept tugging his arm like a little kid waiting for him to respond. "Alright, alright. Just a few hours out there. I had plans." "Yes! Thank you Silver!" I kiss his cheek and head up stairs. I grab my (F/C) coat, a nice (S/C) scarf and some black boots. I rush down the stairs but, trip near the end almost falling face first into the wood floor. I say almost because it never happened, instead, I see Silver using his psychic power to hold me up. "You should be more careful (Y/N). I know you're excited but you don't need to hurt yourself in the process." He gently places me down and puts on a bluish green scarf. "Alright let's go." He opens the door to the winter wonderland that is the back yard. Snow covers the whole landscape. "So (Y/N), what do you want to do first?" "Build a snowman!" "That was fast. Alright, let's start on it then." He uses his psychic power to roll the snow for the snowman's body while I look for two sticks and some pebbles. He finished the snowman's body and I added the sticks and pebbles. "I feel like he's missing something..." As I'm trying to figure out what on the snowman is missing, I notice Silver slip inside and come back with a few items. An extra scarf, a carrot and a snow hat. "Would these help?" "They're perfect! Thanks Silver." I hug him and take the items. A carrot for the nose, a scarf and hat to keep him warm. "There, perfect." I take a few steps back to admire my work. "Are you ready to come back in? I made some hot chocolate and set up your favorite Christmas movie on the tv." "Coming! Thanks for today Silver." I kiss his cheek and enjoy watching Christmas movies with my favorite person in the world.

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