Eclipse the Darkling: Holiday

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I began putting up a tree when I heard Eclipse enter the room. I've been letting him stay for the winter since he's not used to weather on earth. I continued trying to lift the tree when my arms decided to give out on me. "What are you doing?" "Setting up a tree." "For what reason?" As I try to pull the tree up he approaches and stops me. "I asked a question." "It's for a holiday." "So this is an earth thing?" "Yes, it is. Can you let go of the tree now?" He lets go but as soon as he does I end up almost dropping it. He sighs, snatches it from me and stands it up. "Thank you..." He give a light nod and exits the room. I grab the decorations and lights when I hear him re-enter. "What are those for?" "The holiday." "What exactly is this earth holiday?" "It's called Christmas. It's celebrated around this time of year." I start stringing the lights on the tree when once again I have a problem. I'm too short to reach the top. I hear something drop beside me. A step ladder. I pull it open and string the lights on the tree. "What are the lights for?" "So Santa can see the tree." "And who is he?" "The person who delivers presents on Christmas eve." "And what about these things?" He holds up the box of tree decorations. "Those make the tree look nice." He watches as I put some on when and idea pops in my head. "Do you want to help?" He sighs and grabs some decorations, watching how I put them on the tree. He mimics my actions placing the decorations on the tree until the box is empty. Well, almost empty. The tree star is the only one left in the box. "How do you put this one on?" "It goes on top. I can put it up." He hands it to me as I step up the ladder. I place it on top and attach it to the lights. I step back to get down from the ladder but, I misstepped. I never hit the ground though. "You really are one clumsy (C/T)." He places me back on my feet and I go plug in the tree. "So now what?" "Well, we could make cookies and I'll tell you more about Christmas." He nods and we do exactly that. One things for sure, he learned something new.

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