Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Later the same day...

It was late afternoon. We were at the Dirty Robber, sitting together, discussing the current case. Maura had ordered herself wine and I wanted beer.

"So what was your dream about?" I decided to ask after our discussion was over. I finally mustered enough courage to ask her because I've been wondering about it all day.

"What?" Maura asked, a bit confused by my blunt question.

"Your wet dream. Helloo!" I wanted to tell her straightforwardly but I didn't.

"You know... the weird dream that you said you had last night," I explained nervously.

"The wet dream, Maura. The wet dream!" Once again I wanted to tell her but I resisted.

She nodded her head understandingly. "Ohh. That. Yeah.... Uhm... I dreamed of a person."

"Wow! How unusual and weird!" I said sarcastically. "A person! I am so shocked!" I exclaimed, mocking her because of her stupid answer. Or in fact, it was quite the opposite, her answer was really smart because she was trying to avoid my question.

"Okay, don't mock me because I can't tell you who I dreamed of."

"What? Why?" I exclaimed, asking her to give me a reason. I was getting even more curious after she said that. Mainly because I was wondering what could possibly be the reason that she couldn't tell me. "Are you like five? You were the one who started this conversation in the first place. Now you gonna have to tell me." I insisted, trying to convince her to tell me the truth.

"No, no. I can't," she said, shaking her head, biting her lower lip nervously.

"Oh, come on. Don't be such a baby," I encouraged her, and then I took a sip of my beer.

"It was you," she whispered.

The moment I heard what she said and figured what she was really talking about I chocked. This time literally. I started coughing because the beer got stuck in my throat.

"Jane, are you okay?" Maura asked with a concerned look, patting my back.

"Does she wants to kill me!? To finish me off with that touch? And with her words? And mostly with her confession?"

"Yeah," I said, barely talking, swallowing harshly, feeling the beer in my throat.

"What happened?" she asked, finally putting her hand away from my back.

"I drank too fast," I answered and she giggled.

"She nearly killed me and now she's laughing. How rude!"

"Oh, Jane, you're always so eager."

Her words sounded so lewd to me that they made me think about something else. I just couldn't help but imagine Maura telling me the exact same words under very different circumstances. Very dirty circumstances at that. For instance in bed though not necessarily there. Because I'd be eager for her in any place in the world, just anywhere she wanted to be. But I had to focus. She said that it was me. Did she mean that the dream was about me? Her wet dream? Or was I being paranoid and she was talking about something entirely different? Or maybe she was just messing up with me.

"So who did you say that you dreamed last night?" I asked, looking at her. "Did you say that it was me?" I murmured questionably, not sure if I wanted her to hear me or not.

"Yeah," she nodded, smiling mischievously at me. "I was joking, of course," she added and I pouted. "But I didn't mean to choke you with my joke. I am sorry," she apologized and giggled once again.

I looked at her, wondering how she could make such jokes. And how could she be so cruel. She was looking at me so innocently but her joke was definitely mean. But I was pretty sure that she didn't even suspect why it had such an effect on me. She probably had no clue. And that was really frustrating. A very bad moment to make a joke.

"Don't give me that look, Jane. Or what? You can always make sarcastic jokes but I can't!?"

"No, Maura. It was really funny," I lied to her and smiled against my will. It was pathetic. I was being pathetic with my stupid lie. En the end, Maura didn't tell me who she dreamed about but I just kept my mouth shut. I decided it was for the best not to bring up that topic again.


It was late night and I was in my bed, tossing around. I was trying to sleep but it seemed like an impossible mission. I just couldn't stop thinking about Maura Isles. She was in my mind all day long but at that night I just wished I could forget about everything. And yet I couldn't. I decided it was for the best if I closed my eyes and not think about anything. Just clear my mind of any worries that I had. So I closed my eyes, trying to focus on my breathing. But after a while Maura appeared in my mind. I started thinking about her sexy body, remembering all the things she said to me that day. I saw what she was wearing that same day, her fitted dress and her curves. It wasn't my fault that she was always on my mind. She was the one who was so smoking hot that I just couldn't get her out of my head.

Soon enough I didn't mind it at all. I started picturing, thinking about her. Indulging into my dirty fantasies. I started dreaming about her, wondering what would she taste like. How would her lips feel against mine and what would be the taste of her kisses? How would I touch her, feeling her warm skin against my hand... and against my trembling body. I started imagining how I would make love to her. Love? What?! No! I meant fuck. Love would mean that I love her and I did not. At least that was what I told myself. Because she was my best friend and I couldn't have any other feelings than that. Just a simple friend feelings. Whatever that means... So I meant not to make love. I meant how would I fuck her. How I would fuck her brains out. And that would be it. I would make myself come with the thought of her and get her out of my system. Tomorrow it will all go away. Or at least I hoped so. I really, really hoped so. 

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