Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was frustrated, mostly with myself. I have been feeling frustrated and confused for quite some time. I have been struggling with my feelings for my best friend, trying to suppress them and keep them in secret from her. The truth was that I liked Maura a lot. She was my best friend after all and so perhaps that was quite normal. But lately I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Well, maybe that doesn't sound very extraordinary because she is my best friend but the odd part was that I wasn't thinking about her as just a friend. Because lately, I have started feeling things that I wasn't supposed to and seeing things that I haven't noticed before. Things like her looks - her revealing outfits, her sexy body, her confident demeanor. It was her fault after all. Because of Maura and her sexy outfits. So sexy and revealing...and... Well, how could I not notice her and even stare?! I wasn't blind after all. Though sometimes I wish I was because I was seeing things that I wasn't supposed to even look at them. She wore beautiful dresses and skirts with shirts, and all of them were so tight that I just couldn't help but wonder how she breathes in them. But I also wonder about many other things... very inappropriate at that. The effect of her sexy dresses was amazing because she always looked stunning in every single one of them. But she was a beautiful woman and maybe it wasn't my fault that I was thinking about these kind of things. No one would deny that she is beautiful, and sexy, and smart. She has sexy body with round and beautifully shaped breasts. And that ass of hers! Oh, my! I need to stop thinking about her! I just had to! Probably that was the reason I was so frustrated - because I was thinking about her. All the time. And I just couldn't stop. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. That was my best option - to avoid her.

Easier said than done. It was early morning and I was at work. We were in the morgue, discussing the case. Maura had summoned me to go there to tell me what she found out, and I just couldn't said no. It was my job after all so I had to suck it up and go. I was fiddling with my hair nervously, trying to focus on the case and not on the way Maura looked. I was avoiding thinking about her and about the fact that she looked so sexy even with that outfit.

"Just focus, Jane, I encouraged myself. Just avoid looking at her body and focus on her face. Just look at her lips and focus what she is saying with these lips of hers... and the way she moves them... and what else she could possible do with them... Nope! Okay, just look at the dead body! There's a dead body in the room!... Why are you thinking about such things when there is a dead person?! Gross! Actually, that helps. Wait, did she ask me something? Great! You weren't listening to her! Okay, just nod at her, and agree with whatever she is saying to you."

I just nodded my head in a sign of approval and she continued talking.

"Phew! Okay, now listen. And focus. Focus on her voice. Oh my, I have always loved her voice. I just love the way she talked, her soft and sweet voice, her sexy intonation. But probably it's for the best to listen what she is saying because you're missing important things, Jane, I was talking to myself, trying not to get distracted by my own thoughts. Okay, I'll just focus on her voice. Ooh, that sexy voice of hers! I've been dreaming about hearing that husky voice of hers moan my name over and over again... I just love everything about her."

Suddenly Maura pointed at me and I was brought back to reality. "Jane," she called my name and caught my attention. "It's a sign of sexual frustration," she stated, pointing at my hair. I was still fiddling with my hair unconsciously, thinking about her.

"Or tangled hair," I answered back as I let go of my hair.

"And speaking of sexual frustration... " she came closer to me, "Jane, last night I had such a weird dream," Maura confessed, looking at me.

"Okay," I answered, looking at her surprised that she was telling me that kind of things. I didn't want to know anything about her dreams. That would probably make things even worse. "Good for you," I said because I didn't know what else to say. I just didn't know where she was heading with that statement. "I had one, too, but you don't wanna know abou-" I murmured under my nose but trailed off when I heard what she said to me since she obviously wasn't listening to my murmuring.

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