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liked by: SIENNA, VVHACKER, DIXIE, AVANI, ANTHONY, and 1,000,000 others

Y/N: okay but hes cute

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@VVHACKER: no you❤️
↳@Y/N: no❤️

@USER: yall are cute stop 🥺

@USER: i want but i have ✨strict parents✨

@SIENNA: photo creds to me 😜 also i love yall 🥺
↳@Y/N: i love you too hubby

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we ran around LA with sheets over our heads and then i felt myself bump into someone i turn to see emily my old best best friend. "im sorry" i said pulling the sheet above my head.

"y/n" she said making me smile. i then saw a boy next to her, her 'highschool sweetheart' theyve been dating since freshmen year. "zach" i said as i hugged him, he was about a inch taller then me. i pulled out the hug to see everyone staring at us.

"oh right, guys this is zach and emily" i said as i turned around to look at vinnie who looked jealous, i turned back around "zach and emily have been dating for 5 years now" i said making everyone look at them. i looked at vinnie who had a relived face.

"wanna hang with us" i asked "cant on a date" she said making me smile "well someday we need to hang again" i said making her nod "catcha later' i said putting the sheet over ny head again and vinnie did to and i grabbed his hand pulling him off.

we ran and the others chased behind me. i smiled as me and vinnie held hands. we all stoped when the sun was going down, everyone went to mine and kios little apartment. me and vinnie went up to our secret spot the skate ring.

we watched the sun set the rest over the mountians while we sat on the roof.  i had my head on his shoulder as he put his cheek on my head. i played a song while i stood up he did aswell and we held eachother close while we danced around.

i then got a phone call from kio telling me to get home because he has bad news. me and vinnie called a uber and we stood there waiting for the uber.

we got home and kio was pacing he looked at me with teary eyes. " omg what happend" i asked making him wipe a tear quickly. "nana died" he said making my world space out i couldnt hear anything besides the faint name calls from everyone.

i turned on ny heel and ran out the apartment and through the apartment complex i was near the gates when i felt like i was gonna pass out due to hyperventilating.

i heard my name get called as i looked back to see vinnie. i felt myself get dizzy as he inched closer, i sat on the ground as i put my hand over my mouth trying to quiet my sobs out. vinnie sat down and pulled me into a hug as i cried.

he rubbed my back as he tried to calm me down from a panic attack. my breathing slowed as he kissed my head and rubbed my back. "it'll be okay i promise," he said making me nod. "lets get back inside its cold" he said as he stood up.

he gave me a piggy back ride as i slowly dozed off on his back.


kaits notes.



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emily nicol

emily nicol

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(in this story they wont appear much until vinnies bet secret gets leaked.)

The bet ~ Vincent Hacker Where stories live. Discover now