Chapter One

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Chapter one: meeting Him

Throughout her life Astrid aspired to be like her grandmother and great aunts, who were always kind and caring. She didn't mind living in Mystic falls, Jeremy had become a brother to her and she loved him, but there were people that made it almost unbearable. Mainly Elena, considering she had a major superiority complex and her and Astrid never saw eye to eye.

The brunette girl rushed around her room as she remembered she was planning on meeting Caroline at the grill for lunch, for months the girls been practically ignoring her and lying. So when she suggested meeting at the grill to talk boys and gossip she was thri

 So when she suggested meeting at the grill to talk boys and gossip she was thri

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lled. She and Caroline used to be so close to Astrid but ever since the car crash shes been distant. Different.

She rushed out of the house, to her car and drives off. The grill was only a five minute walk yet she was late so she drove.

Upon arriving at the grill she was disappointed to see that Caroline wasn't here yet. She glanced down at her phone, and walked to the bar where Matt was working. "Hey Matthew," she said to annoy him. The young boy turned to look at the girl with a fake glare on his face. The interaction caused Klaus Mikealson to glance at them in intrigue. Having just come back from hurting for wolves, the homecoming was tonight. So he was having a celebratory drink alone in the corner of the grill. "You seen Care? She was supposed to meet me here," she asked him her face showing a little sadness.

"I haven't seen her, but im sure she's just running late," he explained a sympathetic look on his face. She was left out of the supernatural world, per Elenas request, and it left her neglected by her friends.

Painting a fake smile on her face, one that Klaus could see through completely, she quickly sat at a table and pulled out a book to read. Klaus watched the gorgeous girl, first girl that had caught his attention in a long time and that was due to the way she carried herself. Like she wasn't anything special. And Klaus wanted to change that, and so with a down of his burbon he walked over to the table. Making Matt run to the back and call Caroline. Who'd completely forgotten about meeting the young Gilbert. "This seat taken?" Klaus asked, taking a seat in front of the blonde.

"Why ask if you were just going to sit anyway?" The brunette sassed with a laugh, placing her finger inside the book to obtain where she was.

"Had to make sure you notice me, you were pretty entranced with your book," klaus smirked at her, his British accent making her heart thump. Everything about this man screamed danger and excitement and she was completely ok with that. She had never felt an Attraction to a anyone like this before.

"Well, when an attractive man sits at your table how can I not notice them?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm klaus," he said with a smirk waiting on a reaction. When he got none he realised the scooby gang had not told the blonde about the supernatural.

"I'm Astrid, its nice to meet you," she said. Astrid let her eyes cast over Klaus. The way he carried himself called for attention and he certainly got and enjoyed it.

"So why are you here alone, love?" Klaus asked, though he'd already known the answer he liked to hear her talk. He liked her voice. He liked her. What the hell was happening to him.

"I'm waiting for a friend, though I can barely call her that recently," Astrid said with a frown, talking to someone so easily wasn't usually her thing. But there was something about him.

"Whys that?" He asked though he knew it probably had something to do with the supernatural.

"For months now all my friends have been so distant, always hanging out without me or talking about stuff that I had no idea had happened. Like when my bestfriend broke up with her boyfriend I was the last to know, its just weird. I dont know, sounds kinda petty," she said trying to hide the hurt and annoyance in her voice. She knew that she was never going to he anyones first choice. She hadn't even been told her dad had married, until her grandmother let it slip on a phone call 4 months after the fact. And everyone always chose Elena over her, Caroline had been the only person to not do that. Until now it seemed.

"Maybe you should confront them?" Klaus suggested as he contemplated telling her about the supernatural. But that meant telling her about him, and that meant she would no longer look at him with that flirty smile. That thought alone had his heart clenching in pain.

"Klaus?" A voice almost screeched behind them, "what the hell are you doing here?" Caroline snarled as she thought he wouldn't be here till tonight when they planned on killing him.

"Hes been keeping me company," Astrid added almost bitterly.

"I should probably be going, though before I do. Could I have your number?" Klaus asked Astrid so casually it almost had Caroline screaming. What was the evil hybrid planning now?

"Sure," Astrid beamed, Klaus was happy to be on the receiving end of a smile like that. She quickly wrote down the number and Klaus smiled at her, "I'll be expecting a text." And with a small kiss on the hand he left her blushing brightly.

"I've got to go see Elena," Caroline rushed out, not even sitting down to a meeting she planned. Ditching the girl again, though she had to tell Elena Klaus was already in town.

"Are you kidding me Caroline?! You're already half and hour late and now you're leaving without so much of a sorry. I cant believe you." Astrid grabbed her bag and stormed out of the grill. Texting Klaus on her way out, just so he had her number too.

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