Wait what?


I look at Carol in shock and she obviously notices this; "well Madeline but we call her Maddi."

"My sister was named Maddi," I smile. For some unknown reason, knowing there was another Maddi sleeping in my sister's old room filled me joy, my sister's legacy would live on even though this child would never know.

"That's lovely," Carol smile gently but I cam see she's a little surprised. "Dear, give me your number would you, I would love for you to meet my grandchildren one day."

I smile warmly at the old woman and put my number in her phone quickly before texting myself so I would have her number.

"Thank you so much, Carol, for everything, you have no idea how much you've helped today," I admit gratefully.

"I'm glad my dear, you are always welcome here. I do hope you come again," Carol smiles.

"I would love that," I smile. My phone rings, interrupting our conversation and a silly picture of Toby lights up my screen.

Carol nods at me before heading towards the kitchen, obviously telling me to answer the call.

"Hey," I greet into the phone.

"Mills?" Toby questions, he seemed a little panicked and I instantly begin to worry.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I ask.

"I'm so sorry Mills but Aiden is absolutely smashed. He said he won't stop drinking until you come, I tried to deal with him but I think you need to come over," Toby begs.

I sigh, worry flooding through me; "sure, where are you?"

"At Aiden's, do you want me to walk you over from your house?" Toby offers.

"No, I'm out. I'm leaving now so I'll be like 15 minutes," I reply.

"Thank you so much Mills, I'm so sorry," Toby sighs, his relief obvious.

"You're welcome," I reply, rubbing my temples as I end the call.

I walk into the kitchen to say goodbye to Carol who gives me a comforting hug before I run to my car as it was still raining heavily.  Sighing to myself in frustration I begin driving towards Aiden and my house.

Why the hell did he want me to go over? Couldn't Katherine go?! It was almost midnight now which meant that the worst day of my year was almost over. Why did I have to spend it looking after the guy I was in love with when he was in love with someone else?

I almost want to scream in frustration at the irony of it all, why was everything so freaking complicated?!

Finally, I arrive home. I park my car in its usual spot and run over to Aidens house where Toby is already waiting with a towel and relieved look.

"Hey Tobes," I smile.

Toby smiles back, "thank you so much for coming Mills."

"What are friends for if not helping out each other when they're drunk," I attempt to joke but the word friends makes it seem a lot sadder.

Toby visibly flinches but I ignore him before walking inside the warm house.

"Where is he?" I question, an extremely nervous feeling setting in the pit of my stomach.

Toby doesn't have time to reply when I hear Aiden's voice, usually, I loved his voice but I hated it now as he was talking in such a slur that I could barely understand him.

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