"Thanks!" He runs out of the classroom as Kayla walks in. She looks at him and he gives me a pointed glare before leaving. I laugh a little, but cover my mouth as Kayla walks over.

"What was that about?" She asks. My expression was pure amusement.

"Nothing. Me and Taylor are just right," I say. She glares at me and rolls her eyes as she sits down. I chuckle, but then I turn back to Cole. No emotion. Shocker.

He glances at Kayla, but I don't. I just raise an eyebrow. He clenches his jaw, looking a little annoyed.

"Well?" I ask. He leans forward on his desk. Very close. Would it be weird if I just looked up 'how to keep your mind on track' right now? Probably. And I don't pull away either, but my eyes do go down to his lips.

"We'll talk about it later," he says, I snap my eyes back to his and see him leaning back. I frown slightly, turning back around.

During study hall, I was in a basically deserted hallway. Then Quinn walks up to me.

"Why wasn't Axel in school the last couple of days?" She asks. I raise an eyebrow. "Tell me."

"Why?" She huffs.

"Because! I'm his girlfriend!"

"No, you're not. Point one, is if you were you would know why he wasn't in school. Point two, he told me you're his ex. Point three, you were making out with someone else like three minutes ago. So even if you were together, you're not anymore," I say. She glares at me.

"I'm still his friend."

"When's the last time you talked to him?" I ask. She looks a little uncomfortable as she starts thinking. "Exactly." I walk past her, outside. To the bleachers I go.

"Bitch," I hear her say behind me. I look back at her, walking backwards now.

"Takes one to know one!" I say. She looks confused for a second before gasping and glaring. I laugh, turning back and continuing my walk. I feel a hand on my arm as I'm halfway to the bleachers. I look over at Cole.

He smiles softly at me. "I'm sorry about earlier. And I'm sorry about not showing up normally the other day." I shrug.

"It's fine." I look at him again. "Wait what do you mean 'normally'?"

"Oh, I just mean that I didn't show up," he says. I nod, still walking. I sit down next to him on the bleachers.

"Why didn't you come?" I ask. He sighs.

"I told you. I don't want to come between you and Axel."

"And you wouldn't. You heard Axel in first period. I know you know what he meant," I say, giving him a pointed look.

"And how do you know that?" I open my mouth to say something but then I realized I didn't know how I knew that. I shrug.

"I, uh, I don't know. But I know you do." He smirks a little, nodding. Something was going through his head, and I didn't know what. It was infuriating. He chuckles a little and I knit my brows.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks. I was curious but not curious enough.

"Only if you answer me."

"I did answer you."

"A real answer! I'm right, aren't I?" I ask. He looks down at his hands. "So I am." He sighs.

"Come on, Addie," he says. I tense a little when he uses the nickname.

"How did you know about that?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"Uh, your brothers talked about you when I used to go over there." I watch him. "Sorry, if you don't want me to-"

"It's okay." He meets my eyes again. "I don't usually let people call me that, but it's okay." He smiles. It was a little strange to know he knew about me before I ever knew about him.

"I didn't go because I knew Kayla was going to be there," he says. I press my lips together.

"She just wanted to make sure I was safe. Granted, it didn't really work out that well because I decided it was a good time to be an idiot, but she would have left if you came," I say. He glances at me, nodding.

"I'm sorry." I shrug.

"I guess you'll just have to make it up to me," I say. He raises an eyebrow, clearly a little amused. I press my lips together, smiling at him.

"And how do you suggest I do that?" He asks. I sigh and shrug.

"I guess you'll just have to figure that out on your own." He smirks a little. I look forward, messing with my hair a little bit. That is until he pushes the hair behind my ear on the side closest to him. I look over a little at him. He was much closer. And that damn smell made my mind all fuzzy again. I wanted to just lean into him.

He leans closer, pressing his lips to my cheek. My breath hitches and the tingles that engulf my body aren't like the ones from before. He briefly kisses my jaw as well before going back up go my ear.

"I'll figure something out," he whispers. FUCK. I chew on my lip. This isn't fair. This isn't fair. THIS ISN'T FAIR. He pulls back to sit normally. I glare at him.

"You're just doing that to entertain yourself," I say. He shrugs, still looking a little amused.

"Kind of, but you liked it," he says. I shake my head.

"No. No, I did not," I say. He raises an eyebrow. "Because you're getting something out of it to. That's not how this works."

"Right, so if it wasn't because you said to make it up to you, you'd be okay with it," he says. My mouth falls open slightly.

"No! I didn't say that!" He laughs a little. I almost swoon at the sound. Wait, what? No! Okay, I'm gonna need fucking answers.

I groan, pushing him slightly. He grabs my wrists, still clearly amused. I tense up. His eyes brush over me quickly before letting go of my wrists.

"I'm sorry," he says, all amusement gone. I shake my head, looking down.

"It's okay. I just... I don't know how to explain it." He shakes his head, cupping my face and making me look at him.

"You don't need to. I should have thought before doing that," he says. I press my lips together, watching him. I clear my throat, going back to sitting the way I was before. He watches me for a second.

"Uh, you had a question before," I say. He takes a second before nodding.

"Yeah. Why'd you agree to the camping trip?" I chuckle slightly.

"Taylor and I are convinced Axel and Kayla are into eachother. I guess I just want to see how this goes for them. Maybe me and Taylor can hold it over their heads forever. I don't know," I say, laughing a little. I look over at him and he was watching me with a small smile.

"Remember who your partner is," he says. I bite my lip.

"Yup, maybe there's still time to back out," I say, standing up. He pulls me back down, and I land on his lap this time. I stare at him. He studies my face in that special way that he does.

"Maybe I can make it up to you on the trip," he says. I brush my eyes over his perfect fucking features and nod.

"Maybe you can." He smirks a little and I hear the bell go off in the distance. I snap my head over and quickly stand up. His hands slip off me and I frown slightly, but quickly wipe it away.

What the fuck am I getting myself into?

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