Chapter 21

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Multiple sips and one smore, which didn't balance it out very much later I finally got up from around the dying fire. Everyone else had gone into their tents a little before me. I was a little more off balance than usual and my mind was a little fuzzy. I wasn't drunk or anything but I was definitely a little tipsy. I accidentally tripped on my way to the tent and stumbled inside. I noticed my sleeping bag already set up with my pillow and everything and my stuff against the tarp wall beside it. I glanced over at where Cole was laying, seemingly asleep.

My curiosity got the better of me and I took a step away from my sleeping bag to look at his sleeping face. It was turned away from where I'd be sleeping and I mentally agreed to return the gesture. It put a pit in my stomach and I couldn't help but hope my doing it would do the the same to him. Not necessarily out of spite, but because it meant that he had actual feelings towards me. Or it could mean that he knew he didn't have a play thing anymore. I hate my brain sometimes. I really do.

I'm still not completely sure why I want him to like me so much. I don't really know him. Why do I like him so much? He's barely told me anything. I like the guy I've been told about. And the guy that asks questions, and seems to care. But he himself has yet to tell me anything about himself. So, I decided right then and there, with alcohol in my body, that I refrain from letting him make a fool of me until I got what I wanted from him. Answers.

But then I saw his face and I nearly melted all over again. His face looked so calm and relaxed. He looked like a normal teenage boy. A boy who could be great friends with Axel. Someone not plagued with whatever it is that made him need to be emotionless. God, why does he have to look so perfect?

I bit my lip and went over to my own sleeping bag. I layed down on my side, facing away from him, and fell asleep with his face in my mind and his scent relaxing my body. And still a bit of anger towards the boy eating away at me.

I woke up the next morning to the light invading the tent through the thin tarp. I groaned, putting my arm over my eyes. I had a small headache and still, shocker, wasn't a morning person. But, I hadn't showered since the day before yesterday. And I hadn't brushed my teeth since yesterday morning. And I kind of had to go to the bathroom. I reluctantly got up, noticing Cole's absense.

I stood up, and grabbed my bag. I walked out of the tent, noticing Taylor sat outside of hers with her head in her hands. I walk up to her and she looks up at me.

"The bitch snores like a fucking pig," she snarls, glancing at her tent. I chuckle. She notices my bag and stands up.

"Are you going to shower?" She asks. I nod. She sighs. "Thank God, I didn't want to go alone. That would be so weird." She says, shuddering and walking into her tent. I was a little worried, not seeing Cole around. I wonder where he was. His stuff was still in the tent, so he wasn't showering. I hope. That would be really weird.

Taylor soon comes out with her bag, linking her arm with mine. "Alright, lets go." She says. We walk to the building together. Thankfully not many people were there. I take a quick shower and change after drying myself off with my towel. Mental note: hang up the towel back at the tent.

I was wearing a grey tank top, the bra strap visible but I didn't think much of it. I also wore black leggings and sneakers. Simple, but we're literally in the woods. What are meant to wear?

When we walked back, my mouth felt clean and I was a little happier. But I still had a sinking feeling from the day prior. Cole was at the front of my mind. And Taylor noticed.

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