Chapter 3! Zims new filthy friend (continued!)

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• hey! missed me? just coming to give you a little Christmas present! Bam! Another chapter of zim and y/n!



Y/N and Zim haven't shown up to school at all yet today. I'm starting to worry about Y/N and wonder if Zims robot could've been some innocent cover up to lord her in. I looked at the time once the bell ring. I rushed out the classroom to meet with Gaz 

"GAZ GAZ!" I called out, scrambling to her table. I quickly sat down next to her taking out my science devices. She mumbled something under her breath. "Gaz! Y/N and Zim haven't came to school at all today!" I said, finally finding my computer buried under other stuff. "Maybe I could track y/n down and go to zims house after school to rescue her." I confidently began to type where Mar was last seen. Gaz shook her head and shrugged, "Dude, y/n and zim we're probably just hanging out, nothin to worry about." Gaz looked back down at her game. "But at the same time.." she slowly looked at her lunchbox with y/n's food that was still untouched. "It does feel kinda lonely without her.."

"So! Are you gonna look with me? Like a team! Let's get our best friend back!" I jumped up on the table alerting all of the lunchroom to look at me and laugh. I quickly sat back down and slumped down into my seat. After school, me and Gaz walked out. Thanfully, it was a sunny day. "Okay! So if we find Zim we'll find y/n." I pulled out my computer. Gaz, for the first time put her game down. "Let's get this over with so I can play my game." She crossed her arms. I went through my files and finally got out a tracker. "It's a part of y/n's hair!" I held the particle to my face, placing it into the file. It then pulled up a beeper to know where were near Zim or y/n. We made our way and walked.


"Zim expected your EARTH food to be awful, but kinda good." I took a lick of the mint ice cream. Y/N, had f/f, finally paid for the ice cream. "Pfft, you should really get more used to this URTH food." She joked, doing a funny voice for "urth." We walked out the shop looking around. "Where should we go next? We went to the park, ding dong ditched, ice cream..what do you wanna do?" Y/n asked turning to me for a response. I fiddled with my fingers under my chin thinking of an idea. "Zim is not sure, what would y/n-friend like to do?"

Y/n scrunched her mouth looking to the sky, "maybe we could walk around for a bit-" she stopped and gasped. She turned to me bumping me in the process, "I got an idea!" She extended out her hand. I raised an eyebrow a bit hesitant. "Come on! I promise it's awesome!" She smiled ear to ear. I took her hand and we walked off. We finally made it to her house. We stormed up to her room. "Watch this!" She turned to me with a smile. I sat on her bed and watched as she took out a remote. The lights around the wall turned on with fading colors. She got another device, shooting relaxing galaxy stars. "Alexa, play (soft song here, imma just put mines here) loving you is like." She told the device. It answered her as the smooth and soothing song played. My purple contacts mirrored off the lights. She spun around the room, giggling and singing along to the music. 

"T-these lights..and that other device with stars..h-how-" "their called LED lights, and these are bliss lights." "And that talking woman?" "That's a musical device, but she can answer me without typing it in." She sat down next to me to watch the lights. "Oh just wait, I have something cooler!" she called out. I looked up at the stars then at her again. I put my hand on her shoulder as she glanced at me. "I uh...y-your.." "You're a cool person too Zim." She softly chuckled. "Follow me." She took the bliss lights and we made our way to her roof. Sitting down at the side of the house letting our legs dangle. Me and her looked at each other in silence, letting the song play as the stars flowed around us. My face turned blue as she moved her fingers to my hands. They felt warm as her face heated up. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked, worried for her quiet-ness. She looked at me. "Zim, I know we just met but I want you to know your a good friend." She nervously said. "Is there anything you need to tell me?" She asked frowning. I felt my squeedly spooch drop. "What do you-" "Dib told me you were an alien..if that were true." She shrugged looking off a bit. "You can tell me if you really are, I won't tell anyone Zim." I bit my lip nervously looked away. I sighed in defeat, "Zim alien." 

"Can I...see your actual form?" Y/n asked. I nodded slowly. I reached for my wig, taking it off showing my antennas. I reached for my contacts, stopping a bit. I took them off, closing my eyes and looking at her. Her eyes widened looking at me. "Zim..heh...I had a feeling." Caught by surprise I asked "How?" She smirked and shook her head, "Well, us humans don't say their name in 3rd person, you burn in rain, and plus you have 3 fingers." Y/n pointed to my claws. I wiggled my claws as y/n laughed with an annoyed face. 

"But...I'm glad I saw the real you." She turned to look at the stars again. I looked at her. "y/n." I said. "yea." she replied still looking at the sky. "About you thinking zim is a cool person..and enjoying him..what do you mean by that..?" I raised an eyebrow. She didn't reply but just put the Alexa next to me while the same song still played. "Just listen to the song." She replied. I listened to the lyrics. Me still dumbfounded growled feeling Ignored. "YOU WILL TELL ZIM! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? TELL ZIM! I DEMAND YOU-" I was stopped by her hugging me. My rosy eyes went big like saucers. Y/n, still resting her other hand on the side of my shoulder. "I think you should head home. It's late." I nodded, quickly putting my disguise back on. We finally got off the roof as we met by the door. "Since its the weekend, we could go out again. How about that?" She smirked laying against the door frame at me. I nodded, eyes still glued open wide. "Bye Zim." She jokily giggled closing the door. I felt smile form onto my face as I walked back to my base. Something about y/n human makes me interested to be her friend..she makes Zim feel...wanted. 

Once I reached my door knob, I was then stopped by someone. "ZIM!" the voice called out.

Word count : 1187. 

(Im writing this while I'm in virtual PE. you guys got it lucky. But, I hope you liked this chapter! I wonder who the person was..) 

- m.z ✨ 12.15

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