Chapter 7 : Jealously isn't a cute look on aliens, nor Invaders.

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8.2.21 : hi, this chapter was supposed to be longer but yet again, slowly losing interest in this book. sophomore year so far is just boring but I've just been bored lately so why not post this chapter. 


now onto the chapter! 

Was Zim to late to get his friend back? Could've she replaced me with KEEF-Human? No, she couldn't, Y/N always talks about Zim so...why Keef?

In my thoughts of thinking, I didn't even realize I was staring right at them. Me and Y/N met eye contact as I growled in anger at Keef. Y/N quickly turned away from me. The Keef seemed to be saying something to her. Whatever he said, Y/N nodded her head but went over to Gaz as the Keef went to the lonely weird kids table. I wasn't paying attention at the rest but, I heard the lunchroom door swing open as I heard 2-4 footsteps rushing out. I shrugged it off as kids just messing around with the door. Ignorant Fools.

I stared back at the food, picking it around with the fork. I gagged a bit, pushing the food away. Looking down at the food, I heard somebody sit down across from me. I looked up, seeing Keef. My splooch dropped, as I was already annoyed by his presence. "Hi zim! I met your friend Y/N! She seems like a really nice girl!" He smiled. "I can see why you wanna be friends with her, she's realllly pretty and nice." He carried the "L" as he took a bite of a sandwich. My eye twitched in anger but..also another funny feeling. How dare he call Y/N-Human, PRETTY. Zim does find Y/N very pretty but...Wait, what? What is ZIM even SAYING?! I cleared my throat, trying to start up a conversation without getting angry. "H-Heh, yea eh...really nice." I awkwardly mumbled. "She's so caring, I might invite her over to my house! I like her a LOT already!" Kef carried on, clasping his hands together. I gripped the edge of the lunch table, gritting and growl my teeth. I felt my antennas twitch underneath my wig. "Be careful what you wish for peasant," I muttered under my breath.

  "Oh! We should hang out again more, you know it's been a while and I wanna know ALLLL about you-" "NO!" I remarked. Keef stopped speaking, as he raised an eyebrow.

"Aww why not?" He frowned. I began to dart around the lunchroom, looking for someone to help me out this situation. "Well eh...I am really BUSY this week, so Zim can not allow company over right now." I shooed my hand away. "Oh! I could help, i'm a really good helper-" "ZIM NEEDS NO ASSISTANCE!" I yelled out. The lunchroom went silent all starting at me. I looked around at them, clearing my throat again. "ahem..Human allergies." I grinned. Everybody shrugged or ignored me, talking back to their group.

"Well..okay zim, I understand! I wish you luck with it anyways! Bye!" Keef took his plate of lunch and headed to the "rejects" table. I sighed in relief, knowing that he wouldn't be bothering me. I rested my hand under my chin, staring at Dib's table where Gaz and Y/N were still absent from. I didn't mind it much, so I just figured it was what humans say "Girl Problems." Thinking about it made me make icky noises a bit. The bell rung for recess with all the kids running and shoving kids outside. I left my table and left to go outside. The kids all around cheered and danced around to finally be free for a few minutes from the dreadful school. I was about to head back inside until I caught a glimpse of Y/N walking over near Dib-stink. I gasped and watched them from afar. I could see their mouths moving but couldn't hear what they were saying. This made me annoyed as I grumbled under my breath. I looked away for a second, getting hit by a dodgeball. This flipped me around, making me fall onto my face.

•~ Strange how I met you..and fell in love with an alien. (ON PAUSE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя