✨Meeting the school kids! PT 2 ✨

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• this is a continuation of last chapter btw! glad you guys are liking the story✨


The sound of children cheering and yelling echoed through the air. Some were even jumping out the window. Dedication I say. Anyways, I met with Dib as Gaz already started to walk. "I'll meet up with ya later alright?" I told Dib. Dib looked around, a bit concerned. "What if ZIM tries to hurt you?" "Nah,  I'll be good, plus I'm a good fighter! The only hit he's getting is the ground!" I exclaimed making a explosion sound. Me and Dib laughed as we hugged, going our separate ways. Looking down at my phone for a second, I heard a chuckle. It wasn't like a funny, jokey laugh..instead it was a more maniacal and EVIL chuckle. 

I peeked at the corner of my eye seeing Zims smirk behind me. He was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my neck. I could headbut him if I wanted to, what's this kids problem? I quickly took out my phone, looking a bit suspicious. I scrolled through it, pretending to click a contact and call. "Hellllloooo?" I nervously said, walking down the steps. Once I started walking, footsteps behind me picked up. I stopped, they stopped. I knew it was Zim. "H-hold on, let me fix the speaker." I lied. I left the contacts, going into me and Dib's messages.


Without hesitation , Dib texted back immediately. "Thank god." I thought.

                👻PARANOID-DIBHEAD : IM COMING! don't worry! I knew that alien was no good! 😡

Knowing Dib was coming soon, I felt 10x more safer. I started to walk as Zim walked as well. I started down at my phone the whole time at Dibs message. If he wasn't coming quick enough, I'd have to make a plan. 

1. Walk home, since we live near each other 

2. Stand here till he may go away and get bored 

I put on my camera, hiding it enough to catch a glimpse of zim. I felt my stomach swirl making me feel nauseous. "Dib, where it the paranormal HECK are you!" I shouted in my mind. Looking up at the sky, the colored sky began to turn into a sunset. We stay in school for so long we might as well sleep there overnight. I eyed back at the camera seeing Zim now, kinda far back. I found this as a chance to speed walk. Doing this, he picked up speed. "Ok, hell no im not getting kidnapped." I shook my head, whispering to myself. 

I then zoomed half way down the street, huffing and puffing making it onto my porch. I quickly turned around, seeing Zim standing there confused. I nervously looked away for a second staring back at him. He rolled his eyes making his way into his house. (Let's say the road curves around and you guys are 3-4 blocks down) 

I got into my house, checking the messages I missed from Dib. 

👻PARANOID-DIBHEAD : Hello? N/N, are you there?

👻PARANOID-DIBHEAD : so help me if Zim took you HES so DEAD


I Gushed at how much he cared for my safety, I had to joke around with him for laughs.



I giggled at his actions. I felt the house begin to shake. "Uhh, what!?" I grabbed onto the wall. Less than 5 minutes, I heard a war cry and screaming getting closer to the house. "Oh no-" "Y/N IM HERE! ZIM COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!" He yelled. Dib had a blaster on his arm, big goggles, and a bucket of water on his back. I couldn't help but let out a huge laugh as I snapped a shot. "Awww how cute~" I teased, making a little smirking face. Dibs eyes widened as he realized. "HEY!" He pointed to me. He ran towards me, as I dodged putting my phone in my pocket. "Reach in my butt and get it-" without saying anything else, Dibs hand, quickly went into my back pocket. "EEEEEP!" I squirmed, blushing. I smacked his face, making him toss my phone in the air. 

I jumped in the air, and caught it in a small crash landing. I held it over my head In victory. "And saved!" I pointed at dibs face. Me and him both stared at each other in silence before breaking out into laughter. ""Sorry for that uh.."pocket" reach." Dib said, making him blushly look away. I chuckled, "it's okay! Just know, I actually got away from Zim." I exclaimed. I guided him over to my window, opening it. "See!" I extended my hand out towards his house. We both looked over seeing Zim and a green type DOG!?! Green dog? Okay, must run in the family. His green type dog running around. "Riiiiight..y/n, I gotta ask.." Dib started 

We both met eyes, as he got closer to my face. I felt my face heat up, as Dibs serious tone face cowered over me. "D-Dib!" I flinched back. He rasied an eyebrow In confusion. "What? I can't look at you or something?" He crossed his arms, with a now annoyed expression. "No no! It's just that, you were..kinda close." I nervously chuckled. Dib caught on to what I met and began to apologize. "Oh! I'm sorry!" 

"It's okay, just what is it you wanted to tell me?" I asked. "Oh right!" Dibs expression shot back in to excitement. "Do YOU think Zims an alien?" 

I was caught off-guard by his question. Do I think Zims an alien? If I say yes, he would be so happy to finally have someone believe him..if I say no..he'd be kinda upset. I mean, Zim HAS been acting weird, I mean come on Green skin apart of a skin condition? 

"I kinda think so too he has been acting weird." I shrugged. "Wait..SO..YES!?" Dib face lit up, grabbing both sides of my shoulders hard. "Yea." I chuckled. Dib stopped and began to spin around the house. "FINALLY! SOMEONE DOESNT THINK IM INSANE! ZIM IS AN ALIEN! ZIM IS AN ALIEN!" Dib cheered. I snuck out my phone taking a recording of him. "Snapped and shot." I smirked, flipping my phone back into my pocket. "Here! I wanted to show you this during lunch!" He grabbed my hand, leading me to the couch. We both sat down with some snacks. I began to eat some cookies, as Dib flipped through the files, one cookie in hand. 

Dib went through some old flies from 1994, when we were younger, since it's 2001 he picked the most recent. 

(Ok before you get on me, I did my math and if Dib was born somewhere in 1989, he would be 12-13 in 2001, so In 2020 he would literally be 30. Thank you for your time :) 

He gave me his big headphones. "This is from the sky a few weeks ago, I caught some weird noises and it started glowing green!" Dib beamed. I put the headphones on and watched the video. In the video, Dib was sitting down on his roof and then a green tint and blue circle appeared. I heard Din gasp, as he pointed towards the circle. "LOOK! I ACTUALLY CAUGHT SOMETHING ON TAPE!" He called out. Listening carefully, a small scream and a high pitched scream were heard and a big boom took place, making Dib yelp as he fell off the roof. 

I snorted to myself quietly. Dib rolled his eyes. "Yea yea yea, laugh." He scoffed. "I'm sorry! But that was just way to funny." I patted his shoulder. Dib grabbed me by my shoulders again, making me jump. "But the video!" He complained. "I know Dib, I believe you." I reassured, gently moving his hands off my shoulders. "pheeewww." He threw his arms back. Dibs watch went off making him stand him. "Looks like I gotta get home." He mumbled, grabbing his computer. We both walked towards the door. "Cya at school tomorrow." I hugged him. He hugged me back, as we both let go. Dib then left as I stood there. "Zim has to be an alien..there is no way that is normal." I thought 

I walked to my room, putting on my pajamas. I changed my LEDS to a smooth, F/C sunset. I laid down on my bed, slowly drifting asleep. (Yes this is based on my room)


PHEWWWW 1462 WORDS? my back is aching, and I'm DYING! 

Chapter 2 will be coming out probably this week if I'm not lazy, just spam me on my Instagram to update it time from time my loves. 

Instagram: @mzz.invader 


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