Chapter 5 : What do YOU possibly want?

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(if you see any words saying "Mar" that's my OC. I'm replacing it with Y/N, so if you see that name please inform me.)

"Listen Zim, I only came here to tell you something, now let me in." He strictly said. WHY WAS THAT BIG HEADED BEAST HERE?! "Why should I let you in after you ruined my friendship with Y/N?" I eyed him in anger. He looked down. "I was only doing that because i...I liked her okay." He said. My eyes widened. "I liked her ever since we grew up as kids, she always stuck by my side and protected me from others, and I wanted to protect her from you since you two were getting close.." Dib looked down sighing. "Overall, I never met for any of this to happen, and now i'm in the wrong..I can't believe i'm saying this, but Zim...I'm sorry." Dib looked down with a sigh

"I promise you Zim, just let me in, I don't have anything on me you can even check, and if I do you can kill me or long as Y/N is still okay." I looked inside at Gir. I looked back at him, feeling a bit bad. "Come in." I moved out the way letting him in. I closed the door as he stood near the couch. "Now, why are you here?" I asked. "I wanna help you and Y/N become friends again, she may not forgive me but that's fine." He nodded. I could tell he was deeply hurt. They've been friends since babies and just lost the friend that he only had. I groaned. "Okay, here's the plan."


I walked out the classroom, hot tears rolling down my face. "Those two just act so impulsive! There minds are like Ketchup and Syrup! They don't go together!" I complained. "Tell me about it." A nonchalant voice said. I turned my head quickly to see only Gaz on her Game Slave. I sighed walking over to her. "What happened in there?" She asked concerned. I looked down. "Me and Zim got in a fight, I don't know.." I mumbled. Gaz put her game away for once. "Let's walk. Try to get your mind off of things." She said. I smiled and hugged her, she hugged back. "Thanks Gaz."

We headed out the school, walking to Bloaty's. We entered into the place playing music. "Potential Breakup song huh? That is a bop now in 2001."

(that song came out in 2007, but just pretend it came out then)

 I joked. Gaz snickered. We both sat on the seats. "Alright, so tell me about what happened?" She asked. I scratched the back of my head. "So Dib called me last night and said that Zim was just using me to be his friend.." I frowned. "And...?" Gaz ushered me to continue. "Me and Zim got in a argument, nobody got hurt! Well..Zim and Dib got in a fight." My voice trailed off. Gaz nodded. "Zim says he's lying, Dib says he isn't. Ugh! I don't know who to believe!" I threw my arms up, then burying my face into my hoodie arms. The food then came with Cheese Fries, Pizza, and 2 medium drinks.

"Boy problem." Gaz smirked. I shot my head up. "No Duh Gazlene!" I crossed my arms, annoyed. She snorted, taking a sip of her Soda drink. I moved my mouth to one side of my face. "So, how about uh.." Gaz thought. "How about you play hard to get."

She opened her eyes a bit. I raised an eyebrow doing a single blink. "Like...?" I asked confused. Gaz groaned. "I mean to see what they would do, you know they couldn't last a day without seeing you!" Gaz took a group of the fries. "Huh, doesn't sound half bad." I thought to myself. Me and Gaz shook on it, finishing our food and tipping. Once we walked out, we saw Zim and Dib standing alone together. I cringed a bit while Gaz mumbled something. "What are they- Ugh Okay, just walk past them." Gaz whispered. Me and her began to walk.

I could see Zim in the corner of my eye. I then tripped on something. "Ow! What the--" I noticed a present. I looked around opening the present. Inside was a single card. My face turned red reading it. "Gaz! Gaz! Looka this!" I shoved it in her face. She took the card and began to read it.

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