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3 weeks and 4 days had passed since then and Jungkook wouldn't stop bothering Taehyung.

Taehyung kept getting annoyed and would drag Jimin out for a drink or to smoke like 3 times a week. There was something about Jungkook that just pissed the hell out of Taehyung but he couldn't bring himself to do anything to the younger.

Not because he was scared of him, but because he had promised his mother that he wouldn't get into trouble and doing anything to Jungkook that could get him into trouble was the only thing he wanted to do to him.

But he didn't wanna break that promise more than he wanted to do something to Jungkook... speaking of Taehyung's mum, she was coming back from her business trip today and Taehyung and Jimin had planned a surprise for her.

See... Taehyung loved him mum, he respected her, but as for his dad..  he doesn't respect him, after he cheated on his mum, Taehyung lost a lot respect for him and when he married the lady he cheated with, Taehyung lost all respect for him.

The reason he was staying with them was because his mother asked him to stay there while she was away and to not cause any trouble Taehyung did.

But anyways about Taehyung's surprise right now he and his best were outside of his work place smoking planning what exactly they wanted to do for her.

See Taehyung worked at a bar, he usually went to school, to nursery and then to the bar. Some days he just didn't go because he couldn't be bothered but no-one said anything to him anyways.

Taehyung had taken a break and Jimin had came to visit, Jimin was the first to start smoking, asking about what they would be doing later in the day.

Mainly about the surprise. Later on Taehyung took the cigarette and started smoking himself the two continued talking, although that was only after Jimin threw him a hard glare, and said fuck you.

"So I'm thinking of just buying a cake and..." Taehyung trailed off feeling someone tap his shoulder. He turned around to see a familiar face.

That familiar face belonging to Jungkook.

'"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked resting his arm on Taehyung's shoulder, Jimin looked over to see what was going on "so I was thinking-" Taehyung started again ignoring Jungkook until he felt the younger tap his shoulder again.

Taehyung sighed he wasn't having it, he inhaled a puff of smoke and blew the smoke into the Jungkook's face "what the fuck!?" The younger cursed waving his hands in his face trying to get rid of the smoke.

Accidentally inhaling it he began coughing, Taehyung only took another puff and did the same thing before speaking "Hey prick" he grinned.

Once he finally stopped coughing Jungkook looked up at Taehyung "did you miss me?* Taehyung asked "no, and don't ever do that again" Jungkook warned.

"Or what? You, Hoesuck and your short friend are gonna gang up on me?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow dropping his cigarette on the floor.

"Listen Jungkook" Taehyung raised a hand and tapped the younger's cheek "no-one can save you when your out of school, alright?" He asked grabbing the front of Jungkook's jumper just the way the younger had done to him just days ago.

"This ain't school premises so I have no reason to not fuck you up, so fuck off while I'm letting you" Taehyung gritted pushing him away.

"are you crazy?" Jungkook asked but before he could do anything Jimin stepped in "what on earth is going on?" He asked "this is that prick that kept picking on me" Taehyung told "have you lost your mind? We are not doing anything to him, he's 17, grow up Taehyung" Jimin sighed "grow up?" Taehyung asked looking at Jimin.

"This asshole throws his lunch at me almost every fucking day" Taehyung hissed before turning back to look at Jungkook.

"Taehyung, where are we?" Jimin asked, not giving Taehyung time to answer it he did himself "outside your work place, if you mess with this kid, someone can call the police. You'll get fired from here, the nursery will have to know and you'll get fired from there, your mum will find out..." he paused.

"Is that really the way you wanna welcome your mum?" Jimin asked "...but this guy..." he's so fucking annoying and I just wanna smash his face in!" Taehyung whined before turning  to face Jungkook.

"Your so fucking lucky my mum is coming back today, otherwise I wouldn't let you go" Taehyung warned and Jungkook visibly gulped.

As much as he was scared, he liked this side of Taehyung way more than he liked the other side of Taehyung ".. you reek" Jungkook teased "ugh!" Taehyung groaned running his fingers through his hair he turned to Jimin and grabbed his cigarette

"Fuck you kid" he mumbled before heading back inside to finish grab his stuff and leave he wasn't in the mood to work "Well kid, it was nice knowing you, but do leave Taehyung alone because he might have a reason not to fight you but I don't" Jimin shook his head before walking over to his bike and putting his helmet on.

"Wait... it that your bike?" Jungkook asked "mhh, her name is Sheryl" Jimin smiled "wow, she's so pretty" Jungkook complemented.

"Thank you, Taehyung helped me pick her" he informed "maybe when he doesn't hate you so much or you stop picking on him, I'll give you a ride" Jimin smiled.

"Yeah... I'm pretty much done... I like Taehyung, I didn't like him when I first started but then I started liking and that was the only way to talk to him, I didn't know he hated it so much" Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck blushing slightly.

"You probably could have been his boy toy if you had just confessed from the start" Jimin rolled his eyes "I've never seen him like this, he is so hot" Jungkook's blush darkened.

"Eew, I don't wanna hear you crushing on my best friend go fantasise about him somewhere else" Jimin shook his head and Jubgkook blushed "I wasn't fantasying about him" Jungkook covered his face.

"What the fuck is this punk still doing here?" Taehyung asked walking out of the bar, a hand on his cheek, his voice making Jungkook jump slightly "I thought you went to work" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"No... I went to get my stuff but than that dumb bitch was there and she slapped me and started going on about how I cheated even when she knows I didn't do shit" Taehyung sighed.

"I just wanna go home, to your house_ not to that old man and his slut's house" Taehyung complained completely forgetting Jungkook's existence

"Well then let's go" Jimin smiled "I just wanna get drunk today, how about we surprise my mum tomorrow?" Taehyung asked unlocking his bike.

"It's up to you Tae" Jimin confessed "let's go drinking, I don't wanna see my mum in a bad mood" Taehyung groaned putting on his helmet.

"Well, I'll see you later Jungkook" Jimin waved jumping on his bike "I forgot he existed..." Taehyung laughed getting on his bike and staring it.

"Better get out the way prick, or I'll run you over" Taehyung smirked though Jungkook couldn't see it he still quickly moved out of the way, and Taehyung sped off.

"Later kook" Jimin waved once more before riding after his best friend.

Chapter 4

𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 "𝔳𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨"Where stories live. Discover now