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"TAEHYUNG!!" The kids exclaimed as he walked into the nursery. The place in which he had been working at for over 3 months now.

The kids ran up to him, they hugged his legs as he began talking "....I got you guys something" he smiled.

"Is it sweets?" Miyeon one of the little girls asked "...How about we sit down and see?" Taehyung asked.

Taehyung had always been a fan of kids, even when he was in his early teens he loved kids. That's why he decided to be a nurse at a nursery no far from his school.

He would play and entertain them for an hour before their parents came to collect them. The fact that he got to do it with his best friend as well made it better, In the beginning it was just Jimin but then Taehyung joined later on.

Settling the kids around their lunch table Taehyung placed the bags he had in his hands on the table.

He poured out the first bag which had chocolates and sweets.

Hyunmin, one of the boy's turned away, a small pout on his lips.

He was lactose intolerance, he could only have milk free chocolate, or lactose free chocolate, seeing his reaction Taehyung smiled.

"Hyunnie" he called "I got special chocolate that you can have" he smiled handing the boy two milk free chocolates.

The boy instantly smiled, he hugged Taehyung before saying "thank you!" And taking the chocolate with a big smile.

'"That's not all I got though.." Taehyung told turning back to the other kids "since I was late I decided to get you all gifts" Taehyung grabbed the other bags he had brought in.

He began taking out wrapped presents and handing them out, each one had a name on it except for the extra ones.

Once Taehyung was done handing out the gifts with names he looked around to make sure none of the children were left out.

Two of the students didn't have gifts.

And Taehyung hadn't seen them before "umm..." he began "Hyejung and Jungmin" Jimin whispered passing Taehyung a pen under the table.

"I know you guys are knew, but that doesn't mean I forgot about you" Taehyung assured reaching into too the bag and quickly writing their names on the gifts before pulling them out and handing them to the two kids.

They mumbled quiet thank you's before letting go of each other's hands and opening their presents.

Taehyung smiled.

He really liked kids.


"Bye Bye Hayoung" Taehyung waved off one of the last kids. There was just Hyejung and Jungmin left, it was 4:10, and most kids had already left.

Taehyung chose to use this time to get to know them better.

He sat in front of them with a smile "how old are you 2?" He asked "were both 4" Jungmin raised his hand and put up 5 fingers.

*That was so cute* Taehyung thought "so are you twins? Or are you friends?" Taehyung asked "Twins" Jungmin smiled "but she's more shy than me" he added.

Half an hour of that went by, and there parents still weren't there.

"Are you sure there parents are coming?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin who nodded "I just called them not long a ago, and they said there on there way" "Alright" Taehyung mumbled "I'm going to use the toilet' He informed before walking off.

As he did a lady walked in "I'm so sorry for being late" she apologised "It's ok" Jimin assured picking up the kids backpacks "I'll make sure to be on time tomorrow also, my son will be picking them up from next month"she said.

"How old is he?" The Jimin asked "17" "That's fine.... and what's his name?" Jimin asked "Jeon Jungkook" the lady replied "ok" Jimin nodded watching the kids run to there mother and hug her.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow" she waved before walking out the door. Seconds later Taehyung came back "did they go?" He asked and Jimin nodded. "Alright... let's go for a drink I'm still pissed about school" Taehyung huffed "what happened at school?" Jimin asked.

"Some prick didn't wanna let me go after I bumped into him, I even said I was sorry but this bitch just grabbed me by my hoodie and was like 'you just bumped into me' like that wasn't already obvious, I was ready to punch him but I didn't because I don't wanna get kicked out nor do I want any trouble, I just wanna get the year over I'm already 19" Taehyung sighed.

"You should have just done the work the first time" Jimin shook his head and grabbed his stuff.

They locked up before hopping on their motorbikes and driving to the nearest bar.

"Wait... aren't you gonna work today?" Jimin asked getting off his bike and pulling his helmet off "can't be bothered" Taehyung grinned taking off his helmet and pulling out his cigarettes and a lighter. "You know you can't smoke inside right?' The older reminded "I can if I sit next to the open part'" Taehyung corrected and Jimin shook his head again.

"Anyways let's go!" Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arm and dragged him inside the bar.

Chapter: 2

𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 "𝔳𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨"Where stories live. Discover now