In My Head- Part 28

ابدأ من البداية

I squeezed my eyes shut fighting for breath as the pain grew worse, oh god was I having a heart attack was that what this was?

I felt the pain growing even more and just as I was about to cry out I felt a hand on my shoulder and my eyes flew open to see a face about half a foot away from me looking at me with concern as a voice spoke.

"Ant? Ant calm down just relax everything's fine I promise"

It was Simon's voice and I became even more panicked as I recalled how angry he had been with me earlier and the way he had struck me on the rooftop, I cried out and attempted to yank away from him only to be stopped once again by whatever was pinning me to the bed, I began sobbing as I tried to untie my hands.

I heard Simon sigh and the I felt a pair of hands grabbing my own and I looked down and began panic even further as I watched Simon take another tie and wrap it around my hands going in between my wrists this time seperating my hands so that I couldn't undo the knots before he tied it off and gently pushed my hands back down onto the bed.

"I'm sorry Anthony but it's for your own good"

I pulled hard at the ties on my hands as I heard footsteps walking away from the bed and then I turned my head to see Simon taking a seat in the chair across the room leaving me on the bed tied up and restrained while I sobbed in terror and despair.

Simon's POV

I sat in the chair my heart aching as I watched Ant continue to sob and struggle in an effort to break out of his restraints, I hated seeing this; I hated to have to sit here and watch one of my boys struggling against the bonds I had been forced to put him in all in an effort to keep him from hurting himself anymore than he already had.

I wanted to go and attempt to comfort him but I recalled the way he had flinched when I had touched him, I couldn't say I blamed him; he had every right to be afraid of me.

I put my head in my hands tears threating to fall as Ant continued to sob and thrash on the bed how on earth had things gotten this bad and what was I supposed to do about it?

I sat there for a minute lost in my own thoughts until I heard Ant scream and I looked up to see him go limp on the bed and bring his hands up to rub at his chest as he started to gasp for breath, oh god what now?

I stood up off the chair and ran over to the bed looking down at him anxiously as he began to gasp and squirm on the bed fighting weakly against the sheet and I hurried to undo it, I knew Dec had said not too but Ant looked like he was having a hard time breathing and I knew Dec would do the same thing if he was here.

I unhooked the sheet and guided him into a sitting position sitting next to him on the bed as he gasped for air his chest heaving and tears running down his face as he let out an odd whimper every now then almost like he was in pain; oh god was he hurt somewhere we hadn't checked?

"Easy Ant...easy it's're ok just breath for me..come on you can do it.."

He didn't seem to be paying me any attention and as he began to tremble again and his tears came even faster I stood up off the bed heading next door, there was only person who calm him down now and it certainly wasn't me.

Dec's POV

I sat on my bed attempting to force down the food Simon had ordered a little while ago, I wasn't hungry and I didn't actually want anything but Simon had basically ordered me to eat telling Amanda I wasn't allowed to leave the room until I did so.

I sighed and pushed the food around with my chopsticks once more as Amanda wrapped her arm around my shoulder again, "Just a little more Dec..." I shook my head and sat the container aside I didn't want it I wasn't hungry.

In My Head ❌حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن