In My Head- Part 19

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A/N: Hello everyone bet you didn't expect to hear from me again so soon, but surprise! First off let me say that this will be a long A/N because I have a lot to say. First off thank you so much to everyone who has left countless comments and votes on this story it really does mean the world and honestly the only reason I didn't give up on this story all together was because I didn't want to let you all down. The next thing I want to say is thank you for everyone who has posted encouraging comments and sent encouraging messages while I've been taking a break from this story, they really helped me a lot. 

I'm going to be honest with you all I really lost confedience in this story and in myself and I truly felt like i had failed but after the last few weeks of recieveing so much support and encouragement both on this story as well as my other one and my oneshot I have gained a little of it back. So I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me here on wattpad, I was just the new girl with a sad story and you guys welcomed me with open arms so thank you all. 

I am so grateful to have met so many amazing people here on wattpad, alright I'm done being soppy now. I've kept you all waiting long enough so here we go guys part 19! 

Ant's POV
I watched in horror as alarms blared out of the machines hooked up to Stephen and as Doctors and Nurses rushed in I wrapped an arm around Dec pulling him away as we both watched the horrible scene playing out in front of us. I could feel Dec struggling against me and I had to fight to hold him back as he yelled at the medical staff in front of us begging them to tell us what was happening.

I saw one of the nurses turn around and give us a look of pity just as Dec's struggles stopped and my heart froze as the alarms were replaced by a new sound, a long uninterrupted beep; Stephen's heart had stopped.

I stood frozen and then I could feel Dec's body slumping and reacted on instinct scooping him up bridal style as he passed out in my arms. I couldn't move I felt numb as watched Stephen dying right in front of my eyes all over again, I felt tremors rocking my body and the only thing that kept me from hitting the floor was Dec's weight in my arms. I could feel the mental breakdown coming but I closed my eyes and focused on Dec's weight using it to remind myself that he needed me and I couldn't fall to pieces right now.

I opened my eyes as I felt someone tugging on my sleeve and I turned to see a nurse who was trying to get us both out of the room as the medical staff started trying to revive Stephen, I heard a defibrillator charging and I quickly followed the nurse out the door. I did not want to stay and see them trying to shock Stephen back to life it was more than my already fragile mental state could handle.

She led me to an empty room and gestured towards the bed, I was shaking so hard now that I was afraid I would drop Dec so I laid him gently on the bed and backed away as the nurse moved towards him. She quickly checked his pulse and his breathing before she shone a light into his eyes which caused him to whimper as he the light caused him to come around.

I had already taken a step towards the bed at the sound of Dec's whine and as I heard a weak "Anth" I quickly closed the gap and knelt down to look at Dec as his head turned in my direction. "I'm here Decky", his eyes flickered open and he looked at me reaching out a hand to grab onto my shirt. I brought my hand up running it through his hair, "You're alright kidda you just fainted."

I saw his eyes fill with tears and he asked me a question in the most heartbreaking voice I had ever heard, "Stevie..?" I felt a lump form in my throat and I shook my head at him as I spoke, "I don't know Dec, I'm so sorry but I don't know."

Dec closed his eyes and I could see his body shaking as he tried to fight the sobs threating to tear out of him , I didn't even hesitate as I scooped him up and crawled onto the bed cradling him against me as he buried his head in my chest his hands clutching the back of my shirt.
I saw the nurse leave the room but I wasn't concerned with her right now, I was too focused on the man in my arms who was quite literally sobbing his heart out. Dec's cries were changing from quite sobs into heart wrenching wails of pain and I felt a few tears of my own as I pulled him closer cupping the back of his skull with one hand and rubbing his back with the other as I rocked us back and forth on the bed.

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