In My head-Part 6

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A/N: Spoiling you guys today with 2 updates in one day! I couldn't stop writing and since I already had the next chapter written I decided not to keep you in suspense. This chapter is still mature so read at your own risk. Thanks guys, enjoy

Ant's POV

I had finished changing clothes and was waiting on Dec to finish so that we could head to work before Simon really lost his patience. I was sitting on the bed replaying last night in my mind; I wasn't ashamed or embarrassed about crying myself to sleep in Dec's arms actually he made a very comfortable pillow. I smiled to myself at thought but the smile vanished quickly as a sick uneasy feeling settled in my stomach, I didn't like the way things were going I was worried about Stevie; he hadn't been acting like himself for a long time and it worried me.

I considered Stephen one of my closest friends and seeing him in such a state last night had broken my heart. I felt a few tears fall as I remembered the way he had clung to me, I remembered his cries and his gasps for air, I remembered telling him it would be ok. I had said that to Stevie last night and I had meant it, but right now it felt like a lie; everything was not ok and I didn't know what was wrong or how to fix it. I felt my tears flowing freely now as the sick feeling got worse, something was wrong and there was no way I would be able to focus on work until whatever was wrong was put right.
I made my decision and got up off the bed, stormed out the door, and all but ran to the lift; I ran into someone in my haste and was shocked to see that the person blocking my path was none other than my best mate, Dec.

Dec's POV
I finished showering and got changed all while replaying last night's events in my mind over and over again. I had hoped that maybe by replaying them I would find a way to reassure myself that Stephen would be ok while Ant and I went to work; however this strategy had the opposite effect I didn't want to leave Stephen alone. I was more than scared and he needed us, I shuddered as I remembered what had happened last time I put work before a close friend's wellbeing.

With that thought in mind I finished getting dressed and bolted out of my room, I was going to get Ant and then we were going back to Stephen's room. Simon would get over it, work could wait; our friend needed us and no way was I going to let work stop me from helping him. I was lost in thought as I ran towards Ant's room, I didn't see the person running down the hall towards me until they crashed right into me. I looked up ready to tell the person off but stopped short as my eyes met Ant's; looked like he had the same idea as me.

"Anth I was..." he didn't let me finish; "I know Decs me too, come on" Of course he read my mind, it was Anth after all he knew me better than anyone. He grabbed my hand a pulled me into the lift pressing the button for Stephen's floor hard enough to break it. I grabbed his hand as the lift started to move, I could feel my heart racing and a sick feeling in my stomach; something was horribly wrong.

Ant's POV
"Anth I was.." I cut Dec off before he could finish, I knew he had the same idea as me. "I know Decs me too, come on" I grabbed his hand pulling him into the lift as I pressed the button harder than was necessary. The sick feeling in my stomach was getting worse, something was wrong; I felt Dec grab my hand and I knew he could feel it too. The feeling got worse as the lift rose, Stephen was only three floors away but it felt like he was miles away as the lift moved far too slow for my liking. My heart was pounding now and the guilt was back; I would never forgive myself if something happened to Stephen.

I knew we shouldn't have left, we should have stayed; Stephen was more important than work. I couldn't help thinking that if only we had realized this sooner then we wouldn't be in this mess right now. I felt sicker and sicker as the lift got closer to Stephen's floor, I squeezed Decs hand for comfort as the guilt and fear began to eat away at my mind.

In My Head ❌Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora