In My Head Part 17

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A/N: HI guys, shorter chapter than usual here but this chapter is basically to develop some points that will be used later on in the story line, not very exciting but necessary all the same. Nothing too emotional in this or angsty just a lot of talking really but I hope you enjoy it a little and once your done make sure you read the next chapter as well. That's right I'm posting two today like I promised and the second one will be emotional. As always thank you for all your support and patience and feedback I really do appreciate it and it means the world to me. Alright I'm going to be quite now and let you read.

Simon's POV
I let David go into the room first and then I turned to shut the door, I didn't really want to let the boys out of my sight but I was reasonably sure that they weren't in any danger at the moment. Besides I needed to talk to David and the girls and most importantly I needed the boys to not overhear this particular conversation, they had been through enough lately and they did not need any extra stress.

I turned to face David just as the girls entered the room, I had called them earlier to ask them come to Dec's room so that we could all have a private conversation. Amanda looked like she hadn't gotten much sleep and as she sat down on the bed she let out a huge yawn, "Sorry guys didn't mean to do that." I smiled gently at her "It's alright Amanda, rough night?"

Amanda nodded her head but it was Alesha who answered me, "yeah it was, let's just say our sleep wasn't exactly restful..lots of nightmares." I nodded in understanding, David and I had only dozed a little on and off last night but I would bet when we tried to get some proper sleep that we would be having a few nightmares of our own.

I heard the shower turn on in Ant's room and I decided to go ahead and cut to the chase before the boys finished getting ready. I motioned for Alesha to sit with Amanda and I took a seat in the chair while David decided to remain standing, they were all looking at me expectantly and I hurriedly arranged my thoughts preparing to speak.

I turned to the girls first, "Did you two happen to catch the report on the telly this morning? The one about Stephen?" Amanda's face got a sad look on it and she nodded, "Yes Simon I can't believe they got ahold of this so fast."

"I know and what's worse ITV saw it before I even had a chance to inform them of Stephen's condition, they were blowing up my phone at 7am this morning, So I had to call and try and explain things."

I paused for a minute to collect my thoughts before continuing, "I told them that the news report was essentially correct, Stephen's wound was self-inflicted and that he was in critical condition last night when we left. They were upset that they found out second hand from a news report but I managed to smooth it over, however they want an update on Stephen's condition so that they can make a formal statement."

I saw the others nod at me and David spoke, "Well that shouldn't be a problem we are taking the boys to see him so we can just ask his Doctor for an update."

"Yes David but ITV isn't the reason I needed to talk to all of you, I could handle that on my own; we have bigger problems right now, two to be specific."

I saw Amanda raise her eyebrows and Alesha spoke, "Simon I know last night was hard but I would hardly classify the boys as a problem, we just have to look after them a little better. They need us Simon we can't just abadon.."

I cut her off "Alesha you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that taking care of them is a problem I would never say that." Alesha fell silent and I continued, "I should have been more specific, it seems our boys are getting some attention from the gossip sites and not the good kind."
David came over and put a hand on my shoulder, "What do you mean attention? What could they possibly be saying about the boys now?"

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