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a/n: this one isn't my best, but I hope you enjoy <3

"We should play truth or dare," Cady suggested. "I heard Regina talking about it. It sounds fun. I want to try it."

I laughed, looking at her. She had put her hair up into a messy bun, and strands were falling onto her face. "You're telling me in all the years of your life, you've never played truth or dare?"

A shocked look spread onto her face. She seemed surprised that I found it so absurd that she had never played it. She acted as though it was a foreign game. Maybe it was to her. "No." She said, softly, shrugging and shaking her head.

"All right, we're playing it," Damian said, suddenly sitting up in his chair.

"No, nope, no way." Janis piped in.

"Janis," I whined. "Please, come on!"

She continued shaking her head, resistantly, her dyed hair bobbing around her neck. I never noticed it, but she had her ears pierced. She had little skull earrings hanging from her ears, which were also hanging loose as she moved her head. They were pretty. She was pretty.

"The Plastics are bound to make Cady play it at some point, why not get her well acquainted with the game instead of leaving her under the wrath of Regina George's mockery," I said.

"Jeez, aren't we getting wordy?" She muttered, earning a glare from myself. "All right, fine." She said, exasperated, putting her hand up as though she was forfeiting.

"Janis, truth, or dare?"

"Do I have to go first?"

"Yes," I replied, in a pleased manner. She replied, choosing truth. I thought. What could I ask her about? I knew so little about her. The choices were endless. My eyes slid down her outfit. Her jacket, covered in little emblems, caught my eye. "Did you really paint all those things on your jacket?"

She looked down at her jacket. "No, the Russians did them for me." She answered sarcastically.

"I knew it!" Damian shouted, making me jump. "I knew she was in a league with them!"

Janis faked a gasp. "Oh no, my secret has been unleashed!" A hand was grasped against her chest, faking overdramatic dismay.

"Oh-" My voice caught. "Shut up," I said, a smile that I couldn't help playing at the corners of my mouth. She was smiling too. We all were, even Cady. Although her smile was mixed with nervousness.

She lifted her jacket up to look at the many emblems scattered upon it. Two blue eyes on each side of the jacket, random words like 'ghost' and 'mystery' and 'eyes' all painted in different colors, colorful squiggly lines going up and down vertically and horizontally in miscellaneous places, and so many more pieces of her art. "Yes," she finally said, "I painted them."

"Will you paint mine?" I pleaded.

"Hey!" She snapped. "One question per person."

I rolled my eyes and puckered my lips in playful annoyance. What I would give to have a jacket, or anything really, like hers.

"Caddy," Janis said, making Cady lookup. She had been dragging her spoon around her sauce-covered bowl.

"Hm? Oh, right um.. truth."

"Why'd you move here?" Janis said.

"I mean, it wasn't really my choice. But, my dad lost his job in Arica, and we didn't have enough money to stay there. Then, he got a job offer from somewhere around here, and now, here I am." She shrugged.

"Boring," Damian said. "Try making up a story."

"Uh-" She caught on her voice. "Okay, um. Well, someone bombed us? And we were the only ones who survived, so we fled to Illinois." She said, shaking her head in confusion. "Good?"

"Perfect," I said. "I've always dreamed of getting to move to Illinois after being fatally bombed."

Cady smiled before turning to Janis. "Janis, truth, or dare?" She said.

"Truth," Janis replied.

"Boring," I muttered underneath my breath, causing her to shoot me a glare.

"Regina. Why do you hate her so much?" Cady asked.

Oh god. My breath caught. I noticed Janis tense up. She never seemed to enjoy talking about the subject of Regina George, minus the constant sarcastic jokes she made behind her back. It felt like Janis knew something about Regina. Had some sort of past connection with her, perhaps.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You seem to really hate her," Cady said.

Janis nodded. "Yeah, your question is?" She was obviously trying to avoid the question. She shot a look at Damian like she was pleading for help.

"Why?" Cady asked, once again.

"You have to tell them at some point," Damian said.

Janis didn't respond, she only played with her hair. "You don't have to tell us, Janis. Not if you don't want to." I assured her, putting a hand on her back. She flinched.

"I want to tell you. I just don't want you to hate me." She replied.

"We won't," Cady said. I nodded in agreement.

"Damian, you tell them," Janis said. "Please."

"Well, in 8th grade, Regina and Janis were best friends." My eyes widened. Janis and Regina? Best friends? "Mhm." He nodded, seeing my expression. "One day, Regina came to Janis before school started and said 'Janis, I can't invite you to my pool party because I think you're a lesbian. And I mean I can't have a lesbian at my party, there are going to be girls there in their bathing suits.'" I squeezed my eyes a little in confusion and disgust. Why would she do that to Janis? "She just kept asking her over and over again. 'I mean, are you a lesbian? What are you?'"

"God, that's awful. What did Janis say?" I said.

"What could I say?" Janis piped in. "It wasn't even a question. It was just some stupid attempt to snatch my dignity. I didn't even know what she was talking about so I just said 'I am a space alien and I have four butts!'"

"It was a bad choice," Damian said. "By lunch, someone had sharpied 'Space Dyke' on her locker." I gasped. I knew it had to have been something bad for Janis to hate Regina as much as she did, but that? That was horrible.

I turned to my side and hugged Janis. "You know, it's not even true." Janis began. "I only have one butt." She said solemnly. I giggled into her sleeve, making her smile.

"That's a pity. I have three." I said. "Regina is awful. I'm sorry she did that to you." I said in a sincere voice.

She swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, well. It's too late to turn back now."

"I had no idea," Cady said quietly. "Would it be awful to ask if you really were a lesbian?"

Janis laughed shortly. "No, it's fine. Yeah, I figured it out in my sophomore year."

"Maybe Regina's a witch." I shrugged.

"I wonder when Dorothy's going to come around with her house," Janis smirked.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm (y/s)."

A spark ignited in Janis's eyes. "Really?"

I nodded. "Tits." She replied.

"Does she always use that replacement?" I asked Damian, smiling.


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