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(a/n) im sorry this took so long im going to try to write the next few chapters quicker lol i hope you enjoy thiss

Janis knocked on the door once we got there, to my surprise. Honestly, I expected her to just barge in. The door opened, and a woman, who looked like an older, female version of Damian stepped out. A smile immediately spread across her face.

"Janis!" She said, extended her arms. Janis slightly smiled, giving her a hug.

The woman, whom I presumed was Damian's mother, finally noticed me, a curious expression piling onto her sweet face. Her cheeks were slightly chubby, and a cherry red. She had short, curly, light brown hair, matching the shade of Damian's. She was very pretty, if I did say so myself. "And who might you be?" She asked, still smiling, a bit softer now.

"Oh! I'm (y/n). I said, stepping forward, smiling sheepishly. "It's nice to meet you."

"Awe, that's such a beautiful name. Agh, I love your hair." She said, stepping inside,and walking forward. I stayed outside, nervous that I shouldn't step in yet. Janis had a different idea, however, as she grabbed my hand, hers cold to the touch, and brought me inside.

"Thank you!" I said, a sweet sugar coated voice coming out of my mouth.

"I baked cookies if you guys want some. Damian is just upstairs in his bedroom."

"Thanks Ms H." Janis said, snatching two cookies from the platter on the dining room table, and leading me towards the dark wooden staircase just a few steps away. The stairs creaked as we took steps forward. For some reason, she was still holding my hand. Although, I'd be lying if I said I didn't somewhat like it. I pushed away that feeling, though.

My arm was cramped holding my bag. It was heavy, although it was mainly only clothes. Janis, however, didn't look as though she was struggling at all, holding a long black duffel bag. I glared at her, without her knowing.

"Ugh, finally, you're here." Damian said, pulling us into his room, decorated with musical theatre and drag posters. "I have been dying." Damian said, making dramatic fainting hand gestures.

I heard a ding from my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from Cady, saying she had just left. I dropped my bag next to the door, relieving my hand of it's hurt. Janis handed me a cookie. It was a chocolate chip one, and it was warm in my hand. The chocolate chips were melting against the warm, buttery cookie. I took a bite. "Holy shit." I said, chewing the warm dessert. It was even warmer in my mouth, and there were just enough chocolate chips to make the perfect ratio between the cookie and the chocolate bits.

I felt something soft brush my leg, making my stomach jump. I looked down to see an orange cat with big glossy eyes, looking up at me. It meowed. "Awe, hi." I bent down. "What's its name?" I asked, looking up at Damian, as I slowly pet the soft fur of the cat.

"Oh him? That's RuPaul." Damian said, making me smile. Of course he named his cat after the most iconic drag queen in history.

"Hi RuPaul." I said, in a high pitched, babyish voice. He meowed in response, cutting off his non stop purring as I pet his arched back.

"Oh god, please stop with the baby talk." Janis said.

"Why?" I asked in a whiny voice.

"Just stop." She said, her eyebrows up.

"Fine." I said, narrowing my eyes at her. As I stood up, I jumped, hearing the doorbell. Jesus, it was loud. It must've been Cady. And she must've lived really close to have already gotten here.

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