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The days leading up to the sleepover were anti-climactic. The rush of being the new student, or at least one of the new students, was over. At least for me it was. The girl I had run into on my first day, Cady Heron, was now a plastic. Yes, that sweet girl had been turned into a monster within a day. However, she still seemed like she was still a sweet girl on the inside. You see, I had run into her a few days after she was turned into a Plastic. She didn't seem happy.

"Oh, hey (y/n)." She had a nervous look on her face.

"Hey, Cady." I gave her a smile. I looked down, not knowing what to say. 'So," I gestured to her outfit. "you're plastic now." I said.

"Oh." She looked down at her outfit. "I guess. I just-" She hesitated, clearly distressed. "I didn't know what to say. Regina told me to sit with them and- I just, didn't know what to do." Pain laced her voice.

"I think you made the right choice. By the way Janis described her, she'd probably kill you if you said no." I joked. However, I don't think she understood that I was kidding. As soon as I said the word 'kill' panic and dread filled her face. "Joking. I was joking." I clarified, not wanting her to be anymore scared than she already was.

She let out a happy sigh. "Oh, thank goodness." She was fiddling with the straps of her backpack while she nervously glanced around. "Is she really that bad?" She asked. "I mean, Regina seemed... sweet?" She said, sounding as if she wasn't sure if what he was saying was true or not.

A voice came out of nowhere from behind me. "Regina George is not sweet! She's a life ruiner." It was Janis. "She's dangerous. Be careful with her Caddy."

"It's Cady." Cady corrected.

"Yeah, no I think I'm gonna call you Caddy." Janis said, fiddling with a strand of her dark chocolate brown to golden blonde hair.

"Oh, uh. Okay." Cady replied, still nervously glancing around with her glossy, hazel eyes.

"What are you even doing with her anyway?" Janis asked, leaning against one of the lockers. We were in the girls locker room. We had gym. Today we had to play soccer, and it felt like tortue. Karen Smith, one of the plastics, had passed the ball to the opposite team a myriad of times. Not to mention, she kept hitting the ball with her chest whenever someone would kick it high. Luckily, this period was nearly over.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Cady asked. "I just- I don't want Regina to find out."

"Sure." Janis said.

"We could invite her. To the sleepover on Friday, I mean." I suggested.

"Oo, good idea." She turned from me to Cady, quickly. "Caddy, what's your phone number." Janis said, whipping out her phone. She had more stated the question rather than asked it.

And that was the beginning of a new friendship. Anyway, besides that, nothing that big happened. I joined the art club, which hosted meetings on Thursdays. I attended my first meeting. It went well. Better than I expected, actually. Janis was the head of the club, but all everything we did was chosen by the school, so our work wasn't all that extravagant. It made me upset since Janis was brilliant when it came to art, and knew she'd come up with great ideas. However, the school decided to have us make cards for the veterans. Janis was a lot bossier than I had originally perceived. Everything I drew she criticized. Not in a mean way. Well, in a sort of mean way, but at least she was being honest. I had no clue what to draw. The last time I made something for the veterans was in art class in first grade. I had drawn an American Flag like half of the other kids in my class. Now, I was a bit more creative.

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