f i v e

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(a/n) hi im sorry this took me so long, i've been procrastinating, and ended up with a rlly bad chapter... idk if this is good or not, but whatever, here lol oh and it's unedited

 My breath suddenly caught as my mom squeezed me tightly.

"(y/n)! We missed you so much!" She said, pulling away.

"Mhm, me too." I agree, catching my breath.

"So how was your day?" She asked.

"Um, it was okay I guess."

My dad approached us, and took me into his arms. Not as tightly, but it still felt suffocating. It always felt suffocating when I was around my family. I know, it was selfish of me. Some people didn't even have parents and I'm over here complaining about having two loving parents.

"Did you make any friends?" My dad asked after he pulled away.

"Yeah. One of them lives down the street, actually." I said.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Maybe we can meet them soon." My mom said, a huge grin plastered on her face.


"So, what do you want for dinner? I was thinking of making spaghetti." My dad changed the subject.

"Um, yeah spaghetti sounds good." I nodded.

"Great!" My dad said.

"Well, I'm gonna go to my room now." I said.

"Okay! We love you." My mom said.

"Love you too." I said, walking towards the door to my room.

We now lived in a one floor house. Our old house was two-stories, but was quite small. This house wasn't huge, but it was bigger than the last one. I missed having two stories already. I had a balcony at my old house, which I would sit and read on all the time. It was peaceful. I especially enjoyed it in the fall and winter since it was nice outside at that time in Florida. The sweet wind blowing through my hair, messing it up, and blowing up the pages. The birds singing a sweet melody. The hot cocoa, and every now and then coffee, I would drink as I turned the frail pages of whatever book I had chosen to read that day. It was all so comforting, but now it was all so distant. I wasn't even able to try to get my parents to buy me a hammock. I would feel guilty, having a hammock while we were doing so terrible financially.

My room felt empty. I was surrounded by empty gray walls. I had a poster or two that I could probably hang up. I had a bed, covered by a dark blue comforter and a white and black plaid blanket. Oh, and a pillow, but that was needless to say. It wasn't made. I hadn't felt up to making it today, which wasn't an excuse, but whatever. My parents didn't mind. It was just a bed. A bed that was beside a dark brown, wooden bedside table, which was bare besides a water bottle and a medicine bottle filled with melatonin tablets due to my unfortunate trouble with sleeping. I had a bookshelf too, matching the dark brown color of the bedside table. I had already unpacked a little bit, so I had a few books here and there. Carrie by Stephen King, Heartless by Marissa Meyer, a million John Green books, Moby Dick. It was the most random collection. I could never focus on one genre. One day I'd be reading Looking for Alaska, and the next I'd be reading Hamlet. All books intrigued me. They were different in their own ways, which made me want to explore more and more. Just like how I wanted to explore more of Chicago. Not in a touristy way, though. I wanted to go places most tourists would never go to. Vibrant nature trails, obscure lakes, open fields framed with trees, small coffee businesses. Places like that. And maybe I would. Maybe I would tomorrow. Or next week. Or maybe it would take a year or three, even for me to gain the courage to leave, but no matter when, I wanted to explore this place.

My cold hands traced the edges of my desk, which also matched the shade of my bookshelf and nightstand. However, maybe matched wasn't the right word. It was a tiny bit lighter, which drove me insane. And then there was my wardrobe, which was white. Yes, white. Nothing matched. If I hadn't gone absolutely mad yet, I would soon.

I looked down at my phone in my other hand. Should I text Janis? Yeah, why not. I had nothing better to do.



The Greatest Person Ever:

I literally haven't even made it home yet and you're already texting me



The Greatest Person Ever:

This is (y/n), right?


No, it's Regina George

The Greatest Person Ever:



sorry :)

The Greatest Person Ever:



Wait no dont go

The Greatest Person Ever:

I have to my mom is forcing me to eat dinner


but it's four

The Greatest Person Ever:

Her shift starts in an hour




Kk bye

Next thing I knew, an hour later I was in a group chat between Janis, Damian and I. It was scary to say the least. They really let out their emotions over text, and it made me scared for their sakes. They were forcing me to come over to Damian's house after school the next week on Friday, which terrified me since I hadn't been to sleepover since sixth grade when my "best friend" cut my hair when I was sleeping. Yeah, that was an experience.


Does friday next week work for you guys


Even if it doesn't, you're gonna force us over, aren't you?

I changed her contact name because I was one of those people who hated putting anything other than the person's first name for their contact name.



I was scared to say yes, but my hands decided to answer for me.


Friday sounds great




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