I'm sorry

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I just wanted to say I'm sorry for ever coming into your lives. I'm sorry you all put up with me. I've known from my first day on here that I'd make everyone's life worse and that's all I've done. I'm sorry for entering your life, and I wish I could leave them but I can't and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for being a mistake to everyone, I'm sorry to anyone who I promised to be their daughter or they be my mom. I'm sorry to everyone, I'm sorry to all of my mistakes I've made. I wish I could repay you guys in any way shape or form. So I'm sorry for being a mistake to everyone. Please don't try and say I'm wrong. I'm sorry to @Blueape56, Abejjjjjjkkkkkkk abearfoo1233 XxNightmare_UwUxX cherrypopx_ and okbommer635 , I'm sorry for saying this but I'm most likely going to delete this app so I can tell you now I'm sorry

- love Kmb2009

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