Loud thoughts

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Y/n had been going to PK Academy for as long as she was in high school. She was a bit sociable, but was not too noticed by others. She noticed that when someone was introverted rather than extroverted like her, in PK, they seemed to be the type of person that everyone swarms around.

Take Saki K for example. Y/n could feel the vibe that he did not want to be noticed. He wanted to avoid talking to people as much as he could, but no one in the school dared let that happen. It was like it was everyone's life goal to make his life a living hell... Or at least make him have constant social interaction despite how much he despised it. There seemed to be no difference to him. Y/n, on the other hand, did not mind interaction with people for the most part. 

The first day of school, sophomore year, Y/n stood in the crowd of students as the principal droned on and on about this or that. Y/n couldn't care less, if it was about school. School was something she never seemed to care much about unless it was a specific type of history. And so, the assembly was nothing less than boring. That was until a random boy in the crowd fainted, and a scream invaded Y/n's never ending thoughts. 

The scream came from the one and only Nendou. Y/n didn't know much about him other than the fact that he was probably the dumbest person in school. Maybe in existence. She was surprised he had made it to high school in the first place.

The guy who fainted was carried out of the gym by Nendou, as instructed by a teacher, and then the teacher also instructed Saiki to watch over the nut brain to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. That was the end of it, and Y/n was bored once again. It was pretty easy to bore her, so that's why she was always thinking of anything and everything.


Saiki was making his way to his classroom, though he was pretty early. Less people to possibly bump into on the way, if he was early, so he liked to do that. The closer he got to the classroom, the more thoughts he could hear, and the more his head started to pound. He wondered if everyone was in there and that's why he heard so many incoherent thoughts, but even a whole class would not have that much going through their heads. Maybe a whole year would, but that's the closest he could think of. He had half a mind to think that there was a year worth of students packed into the classroom like a pack of sardines.

When he walked in though, he noticed that there were very few students in the classroom. A small group were in the back gossiping about a snake that got loose from the local zoo, and there were a few other students sitting quietly at their desks. He noticed a girl sitting in the seat in front of his. She seemed to be staring down at her desk, into the abyss of nothingness. He cocked his brow at her, but paid no mind do her otherwise until he inched closer. The closer he got, the louder her thoughts became, and he realized that she was the source of the year worth of students thoughts. He was not sure what to do about how loud it was considering it was making his head pound. He noted to bring headache meds to school every day, if he was going to have to sit close to her every day.

The conversation concerned about the so called murder snake continued, and a white haired kid that Y/n did not know the name of kept going on about some evil organization. Y/n found it kind of amusing, kind of like hearing a child go on and on about their pretend game. It was alarmingly like that kind of situation.  He raced out of the room when some of the other students made fun of the powers he claimed to have.

Seconds after the guy, Kaido, she heard some students call him, left the room, a snake fell out of a guys sleeve. Y/n wondered how he hadn't noticed the snake in his clothes, but the other students were more concerned about a deathly poisonous snake being in the classroom. Y/n was not alarmed, she had been face-to-face with dangerous snakes before. She had a knack for being alarmingly calm in dangerous situations. It would worry anyone who cared for her if there was anyone who cared for her in the first place.

Though she was a bit of a social butterfly at times, no one tended to like her enough to stay close. She had a small group of friends the year before, but they lost touch once summer vacation started. She tended to have friendships like that, ones that seemed good but were lost when school ended. It didn't surprise her anymore.

Kaido came back when he heard the alarm of the snake being there, and stupidly jumped in front of the snake flying towards another student. Then... The snake got fried? the whole class seemed to be amazed and believed in his powers, but Y/n simply pulled out a notebook and started writing something down.

Saiki noticed this and that she was analysing the situation that had played out in front of her, and found it suspicious. He had hoped she was stupid like the rest of them, but she seemed to have noticed that the powers Kaido had were in fact non-existent, thus the snake burning to a crisp in front of their eyes was un-earthly.

He noted to keep his eyes on her.

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