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The twos conversation had ended relatively quickly, letting Y/n have some time to soak in all the information. She did believe him, but it was still something that would take a while to set in properly. 

One thing that Saiki was afraid of was that Y/n would blame him for her grandmothers condition. Saiki surely did think that it was his fault to a degree, and the subject was sensitive for Y/n. He thought she would start to hate him, and he thought he deserved, or at least, understood, it. 

However, she did not seem to dislike him. In fact, she tried to get closer to him than she was before. He couldn't understand it. She was persistent with getting his friendship, though. Saiki would argue they were already as close as he would let anyone be with him, but he could not find it within himself to stop her advances. 


Y/n invited Saiki back over when she had thought about it enough and came to terms with the information. It only took a couple days.

"What did you want?" He asked bluntly as he sat on her living room couch. 

"I want to know what powers you have. You could easily lie to me, but what is the point if I already know you have powers? I don't think it matters if I know what ones you have at this point," She explained as she sat with him.

The pinkette thought about it for a moment, and ended up agreeing.

So, he spent the next hour explaining a majority of the powers, along with answering her questions. 

"The simplest one I have would probably be telepathy. Though I can't read your mind. That's why I have to speak with you through my mouth. I don't do that for anyone else," 


"Saiki, want to come to a cafe with me today?" Y/n asked as she approached his desk after class on White Day. He had forgotten about the day, yet the chocolate he meant to give her was laid in his backpack since the day he got it. He jumped, since he could not read her mind, and that was how he avoided people's attempts of scaring him. She giggled, and he sent a glare her way. Without a word, he stood from his desk and followed her out the door.

"Why do you try to hang out with me so much? Everyone else would love to spend time with you outside of school," He mumbled, not looking at the originally h/c hair colored girl.

"I feel comfortable around you. I don't have to hide anything. I mean, no one else knows about the changes that have happened to me lately,"

"I'm also the only person who would believe you anyway," 

"Exactly," Despite the topic of the conversation being slightly depressing, she smiled. It was bright and sincere.

Saiki found it refreshing. Most people around him were air headed, though he supposed that was his fault, but Y/n wasn't, since she broke out of what he had done. He actually enjoyed her company, and he guessed that she was really the only person he could genuinely one hundred percent enjoy spending time with.

The two made it to the cafe Y/n wanted to go to. It looked like one of those French cafes you see in movies. The ones with vines all around, and fancy gold lettering on the window that said its name. 

"This place is really nice. I've never come here before, but I thought it was so pretty," Saiki stayed silent as she spoke and lead him to a booth in the back. Saiki sat with  his back to the wall, while Y/n faced him. The boys eyes travelled along the menu, seemingly unable to decide what to get. 

"...There's a lot of sweets," He mumbled, eyes shooting everywhere across the paper. 

"Get as many things as you want, my treat. Since my mom basically lives at the hospital with my grandma, she gives basically all the money she makes from work to me, minus some pocket change. It more than covers the rent and groceries," 

Saiki couldn't believe his ears, but let his fantasies take over and ordered five things. Two coffee jellies, a piece of chocolate cake, a piece of cheesecake, and an ice cream sundae. Y/n ordered a coffee jelly, and an ice cream sundae, similar to her companion.

"You sure have a sweet tooth, huh?" She commented as she laughed quietly. He glared at her, but could not help but smile slightly. Since telling her about his powers, and knowing he did not have to keep them a secret, he had noticed that she had gotten more likable. 

Saiki was going to respond, but his eyes widened at the sight of a certain blueberry haired girl, muting his speech. Y/n's cocked her head to the side, questioning him, before another voice answered for him.

"Saiki!" She recognized the voice obviously, and sighed. She did not really like Teruhashi. While she did not hate her, she would not hang out with her if given the chance. 

Teruhashi slipped into the spot next to Saiki, paying no mind to the red haired girl sitting across from them. 

"Can I join you?" Y/n started to wonder if Teruhashi even noticed she was there. Saiki nudged his head across from him, making the blue haired girl notice the person sitting across from them. "Oh, hello, L/n," a very forced smile made its way on her face.

"Hey," She mumbled in response, not making eye contact with the other girl.

"Are.. You guys dating?" Teruhashi's voice sounded nervous and hurt. The mention made an idea pop in Y/n's head, though. She was not sure if Saiki would like it, but she did know that Saiki wanted Teruhashi off his back. 

Y/n remembered what Saiki had said about not being able to read her mind. He said that there were always so many thoughts in her head, that he could never pick one out of the others. So, she started to focus as hard as she could to lower the amount of thoughts. Slowly but surely, she got rid of the others, and only few were left, enough for Saiki to hear one particular thought. 

"I'm am going to tell her that we are so she might leave you alone," She thought as hard as she could to send the message to Saiki's head, and his eyes widening showed that it worked.

"That's a death wish," The pinkette thought, but it was too late.

"Yeah, we are," Teruhashi's face twisted up into one of anger for a moment, but she quickly wiped it away as fast as she could, to keep up with her perfect girl facade. 

Saiki remembered the chocolates he had in his bag and fished around to get it, handing it to Y/n across the table. Y/n's face heated up upon realizing that Saiki was returning the chocolates that she gave him on Valentines Day. She was unsure if it was him showing feelings towards her or not, but it seemed to be the way Teruhashi had taken the gesture.

The blue haired girl looked like she was going to cry. It made Y/n feel bad, but Teruhashi had to understand that Saiki was not interested. 

"I-I see I interrupted a date, then. I'll get going. Have fun you two," The so called perfect girl got up from her seat and went on her way. Y/n let out a breath that she did not know she was holding, and smiled when she saw the waiter coming their way with a rather large tray of their treats, along with two cups of water. 

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