Breaking up

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Saiki's eyes widened. He hadn't realized that. Her thoughts were so clear for once. Not a single thought except for the one that he had heard. 

He released her and fell to rest his weight on his palms, which he placed behind himself. Saiki stared wide eyed at Y/n, who seemed to be gasping at air like her life depended on it. A tear broke from the corner of her eye and rolled down her cheek, but she hastily wiped it away, not wanting to give Saiki the wrong impression. 

"I'm sorry, I just-,"

"No, I... It was nice. Don't apologize,"

"But you're crying,"


"I know. I heard,"

The room went silent. Neither really knew what to say. There was a lot to say, but they were not sure what to start with. 

"I do like you," Y/n avoided eye contact as she spoke, instead opting to have a staring competition with Saiki's chest. "I should go," Saiki watched, not really wanting her to go, but he knew that it was best to let her without question if she really didn't want to be there.

"Are you sure?" She nodded softly, turning to him with a smile. 

"Yeah. Don't take it the wrong way though. I just need time to think,"


How could Saiki not take it the wrong way? They kissed, she cried, and then left. His mind was racing, feeling terrible for kissing her in the first place. He couldn't stop thinking about it, even though things went back to normal, and she was coming over with no problem a few days later.

"Teruhashi told Chiyo, who told me, that you and Y/n are dating! Is that true?" Kaido approached Saiki one day after class, Nendo, Aren, and Toritsuka in tow. The pinkette sweat dropped. He knew that the day would come that Teruhashi would tell her best friend about her crush dating a friend of his, but he would never be prepared for it. Without responding, he slipped out the door, grabbing Y/n's wrist and racing to the school gate. 

"Everyone thinks we're dating," He mumbled quickly as they fast-walked to Y/n's house. 

"Shit. What do you want to do about it?"

"Tell them we are," Is what Saiki wanted to say, but he knew he couldn't. From the time they had been fake dating, Saiki discovered that he felt a certain way for the girl that he had not felt for anyone else. He assumed that the feeling was having a crush, though he could not exactly know for sure. He did know that he had the urge to hug, hold, and kiss her, sometimes, and thought that was enough proof that he wanted a relationship with her. 

"Should we plan a break up?" All of Saiki's thoughts halted, and it felt like his heart leaped out of his throat. All the color drained from his face, and he felt his blood run cold. That was the last thing he wanted. 

Saiki didn't respond and followed Y/n inside her house. Her mom was at work, so they did not have to worry about her hearing that they weren't actually dating. Y/n made tea and placed a cup in front of the both of them before taking a seat.

"So how should we do it? It could be believable and make no one hate either of us for hurting the other," Y/n thought, tapping her chin.

"That seems difficult when we would be breaking up," A sigh escaped the girls lips as she nodded. There was a moment of silence as the pair thought of a plan. Finally, Y/n popped up with a smile on her face.

"I've got it!" Saiki watched as she sat in front of him, taking on his his hands in hers. "Something like this,"

Everything about her changed within seconds. The smile faded from her face, and it seemed like all the energy in her body disappeared. The pinkette was concerned until he realized that she was acting out her idea.

"Kusuo...," Her eyes trailed from his eyes, down the the hand she had clasped within her own. He never really noticed how small she was compared to him. Not until that moment, when she sunk into herself and made herself look even smaller. "You just seem so... Cold. I know it's not your fault, you just don't show affection... But I can't help but want more..."


"I'm afraid you can't provide that for more... So I-," Y/n's breath hitched in a fake cry, though it was so realistic that even Saiki began to fall for it. A small crowd had grown around the two, the scene playing out in front of the school, a bit off to the side. Their friends were watching, afraid of what was happening before them. They didn't want to see their friends hurt. Teruhashi, though, was struggling to hide her excitement at the thought of her crush being single again. "I think it might be best if we break up," The tears welling up in Y/n's eyes alarmed Saiki. He was not sure that it was all fake anymore. It surely wasn't all fake for him in the first place, and he wondered if it was the same for her. 

Hearing her say she wanted to break up made his heart clench and his breath catch in his throat. He kept telling himself that the relationship was all fake, but that barely softened the blow of the words, and they shot right through him. 

"Y/n...," Her pink eyes stared into Saiki's purple ones, the tears making them glossy. He felt himself feel guilty, though nothing was his fault, and he repeated in his head that she was not actually hurt. It was all an act. 

"I-I'm sorry," Her eyes trailed down to their hands, and she slowly dropped his, making his heart sink. "I just... Don't think this will wo-,"Saiki slipped a hand on her cheek, holding her head so that she looked into his eyes. The look on his face was so genuine looking that Y/n felt her breath really catch, and her facade almost broke, but it was not like anyone could tell anyway.

"I can change. I can give you more. Give me a chance," Y/n breathed heavily. That was not part of the script. Still, she had to turn him down. She thought so, anyway. 

"Kusuo...," Y/n looked away slightly, staring into the crowd that had collected around them. Glancing at Kaido, he looked like he was going to cry. The orange haired girl next to him was in the same boat. Y/n almost frowned when she saw Teruhashi's happy eyes, being able to see through the fake frown she had planted on her face. "Please don't make this harder than it has to be," The red haired girl bit her knuckle softly, only to feel the male in front of her use his free hand to pull it from her. She looked back at him, their eyes connecting, and the ruse falling.

Their faces came dangerously close as their hearts beat out of their chests. 

"Let me prove that I can be the one for you," Y/n had no time to respond. Saiki was too close, and she felt herself lean into him. Before she could comprehend what had happened, she was kissing him. She stared at his closed eyes with wide ones, her breath halting in shock. Slowly, she melted into the kiss, their fingers interlocking on one side, and her other hand coming up to rest on his chest. 

Y/n expected the kiss to end quickly, but the purple eyes boy pulled her closer and she found that she loved the way their lips moved in sync. 

After a few minutes, the two realized that they had been kissing too long, and their friends were still staring, so they pulled apart, panting as they stared at each other. 

"So... What does this mean?" Y/n broke the silence, searching Saiki's eyes for any sign of what he was feeling, though that was always going to be a lost cause since he was always poker faced. 

"What do you want it to mean?" Y/n took a long breath in as she thought hard about what she was going to say. 

"Do you... Want to be for real?" She asked so quiet that the people around them could not hear her. A rare smile made its way on Saiki's face as he nodded, bumping their foreheads together as he embraced her. 


Sorry that Saiki is pretty OOC! I was not sure how to write him being in a romantic relationship, and have been trying to write the end of this book for a couple months now, so I wanted to finish this up. I have other ideas for Saiki X Readers but who knows if/when I will write those

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