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Y/n smiled as she hummed a random tune, placing the bag of chocolates in the fridge so there was no way they would melt before the next day. A small smile rested on her face, satisfied with how Saiki seemed to enjoy his time with her, when that was rare for him to do with anyone. 

The red head quickly grabbed some clothes from her room before going to the bathroom, deciding to take a shower. 

Taking showers had deemed to be a rough task as of late. She had to be careful with the hair dye, so she wore a shower cap to avoid getting water on her hair. So, after stripping, she grabbed the cap and faced the mirror to stuff every strand into it. 

The cap hit the floor as she stared into the mirror, tears brimming her e/c eyes. E/c eyes. Her stomach churned violently, and she broke into a cold sweat.

What was she going to do about this?


Y/n did not go to school for the next week, leading Saiki to wonder what had happened. Did it have something to do with the suspicions he had of her? Did the powers that he suspected she had go haywire and she had to fix it? Or was she sick? Did she get hurt? 

Why did he care about those last two anyway? Everyone in the world he had created heals incredibly fast. Any injury that isn't instant death heals in no time.

These are the things he told himself to stop from worrying about it until she got back the next week. 

She acted like nothing had happened, and when people asked, she simply said that she visited her grandmother in the hospital. Saiki wondered if that was the truth or not, but who in their right mind would lie about their grandma being in the hospital? 

At the end of the day, the group of Kaido, Nendou, Saiki, and Y/n met up to go to some cafe. Nendou had suggested ramen, but the rest declined since they had ramen just about every day. Y/n knew about a nice cafe close enough to the school to walk, and so the rest agreed, Saiki more so than the other two. 

"So what does your grandmother have, L/n? must be pretty serious if she's in the hospital for it," Kaido asked as they walked behind Saiki and Nendou, the knucklehead of which was talking the pinkette's head off.

"Oh, uh, she kind of went mental," Y/n scratched the back of her head sheepishly. smiling shyly as Kaido's eyes widened. 

"I-I'm sorry I asked. You must not like talking about it," He mumbled, hanging his head in shame, but Y/n smiled genuinely.

"No, it's fine, really. I don't mind. It's only sad that I can remember how she was before, y'know? But thinking back, she was always a bit unhinged. Something just seemed to be the last straw," The red head paused, her pink eyes cascading down as a bit of pain filled them. "Maybe I'm a little scared I'll end up like her. What if it is genetic? Mom isn't like her, but for how long? I'm already getting symptoms," Everyone went silent, and even Nendou seemed to understand that he needed to stop talking. 

"But lets not talk about it, you guys seem to be getting sad!"


Through their meal, Saiki could not help but think about what Y/n had said. Even while eating his coffee jelly, he could not focus on the wonderful taste. Why was he so interested in Y/n's grandmother? He couldn't tell you himself. He just had a feeling that her grandma being unhinged had something to do with why Y/n felt off all the time. 

Was it really a mental disorder that made Y/n question everything? Paranoia maybe? Saiki was not sure, but it could explain some things, if what her grandmother had was genetic. He did not know if she really had anything though, she could have just gone through something incredibly traumatic in the past, or had dementia from old age. 

He tried to ignore the thought the best he could through their meal, but it had started to eat him inside by the time him and Y/n were alone, walking in the shared direction of their homes.

"Are you really scared about becoming like your grandmother?" Saiki asked on the way there. Y/n seemed to be zoned out until the question was asked, and it hung in the air for a moment. 

"Yeah. Really scared, actually. It seems so close, yet they tell me that if it happens, it won't happen for a long time," She responded, staring at her feet as her shoes hit the pavement repetedly. "I can feel it clawing at me. Sometimes I'm afraid I will just snap one day, like her. The things she says, I think about them a lot. Things like "This isn't normal! Nothing is normal! Things were different when I was young!" They say it's all crazy talk, but I can't help but listen to her," Saiki's purple eyes fixated on the red headed girl.

This small bit of information may have meant nothing to everyone else, other than some sob story, but it meant everything to Saiki. Y/n's grandmother's memory hadn't been changed since how he changed the Earth? He felt bad for the woman. Everyone thought she was crazy because she was the only one who knew the truth.

Another thing, Y/n seemed to also remember. At least to a degree. Which meant that it could be genetic. That is what she was afraid of, but it depended on how you thought about it if it was as bad as she thought. 

One one hand, it was not a mental disorder that she had inherited. In fact, the fact that she could remember what no one else could, aside from her grandmother and the family of the guy who had caused the change, probably meant she had a higher IQ than average. 

On the other hand, no one except for her grandmother, and Saiki and his family, will believe her, so she would probably end up in the hospital along side her grandma, like she feared. 

The pink haired boy usually did not worry about others, but Y/n, he worried about. The thought of her being stuck in a hospital because she knew the truth, and it would be his fault, made him feel beyond guilty. This was a problem.

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