Season 2 concept 1: good times

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We have just witnessed luz and em getting together and everyone's happy. Well except for Ed he is in a corner sobbing a little. I go to him. "My guy. It good. You'll get jerbo I know you will" I said
"YEAH" I pepped him up
The rest of the day was just relaxing and cuddling. At times amity attacked hooty and we had to pull her off of him. He now has a eye patch. "Well we did it. We got eda" I said
I felt a pain in my right shoulder and look to amity to see she had a pain where her curse is. "No....belos you son of a bitch" I said
I go to amity. "Ams you ok" I ask
I look at her eyes and she was in cursed mode right now. Fuck I got to get her to a killing town. I felt my mind slipping a little. I carried her with v2 to a town and I stopped forcing myself. "God that was painful" I said
I look over to amity and see she is in cursed form, smirking. "Ah my dear your finally here with me" I said
She looked over to me with her long hair and purple eyes. "Yes luv I'm finally here. So what now" amity asked in a demonic voice
I smirk wide fully. "We get to have fun" I said
I pull out my staff and amity gets on. "Well then let's have fun for the night~" amity said
I walked there with amity riding my staff beside me. We entered the town and we went to the center. I grabbed my bass and amity sits beside me with a guitar. "Finally someone to play with" I said
We both started playing come a little bit closer. People gathered in the square and was listening to us play. Some danced and some laughed. "It's funny how this is the last thing there doing" amity said
"Yeah it always gives me pleasure when there having fun to there death song" I said
I start to change the tune and my staff floated. Amity played a note and it split. She was playing a ominous tune then it stopped. I started to play better man. "Waiting, watching the clock it's four a clock it's got to stop" "tell him..take no more..she practices her speech as he opens the door" amity continued for me
"She rolls over...pretends to sleep ash he looks her over" i sang
"She lies with and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man.. She dreams in color, she dreams in red.. can't find a better man.. She lies and says she still loves him..can't find a better man..dreams in color, she dreams in red..can't find a better man..can't find a better man..can't find a better man" we sang together
It went silent then we went upbeat and each baton circled the crowd. One side having purple flames and the other having red flames.
The crowd started to get worried and some tried to do spells for once. "Oh look at this there fighting back" I laughed
"Ha that's to cute. I say we continue and give them a challenge then" amity says
"Alright" I said
I played a power cord and amity did also and it lit each end with fire. And amity then started up again. "She loved him, (yeah) she don't want to leave this way..she feeds him (yeah) that's why she'll be back again" amity sang while I cut in at times. The batons started to kill off people left and right. People screaming all in the circle. Some where defending themselves but they were slowly getting weaker
"Can't find a better man (can't find a better man)
Can't find a better man (can't find a better man)
Can't find a better man (can't find a better man)
Can't find a better man (can't find a better man)... ooooooooooooh" we both sang as the last few people were going away. We finished the song and there were ten people left. "Huh" I said
"What is it" amity asked
"I never had this much people left. They actually survived our song" I said
"Well what should we do" amity asked
I crossed my legs and thought. Then a idea came to mind "how about this spell I wanted to teach you" I said
She clapped excitedly. "Oh yes yeah me darling" amity said
"Alright now this spell is a fire type spell" I said as she drew a spell circle that glowed purple. "Now what you do is put your hand in the circle and clench your fist" I said and she did
"Now point your first and second finger at your target" I said
She pointed it to the crowd that was left. A purple ball formed at the tip of her two fingers.
"Now split your fingers" I said
She split her fingers and then the ball split into thousands of tiny ones and it blew up on contact of something. The rest of the crowd was decimated after that. Only bones were left over. "Until next time darling" I said
"Yes luv until next time" amity said then her eyes went back to normal but her hair stayed the same length as in cursed mode. Her fangs retracted and became smaller. My hair stayed the same length but the top of my hair was green and then it faded out to black. I look over to amity and she was shaking. I ran to her. "I-I killed them...and I have no control to stop myself" amity stuttered
"I know...the first butcher is hard..but you get use to it" I said
She snapped her head to me. "What do you mean you get use to it" amity said
"I have killed for a year now. Twenty two towns destroyed. One million sixty thousand two hundred  and fifty four lives lost" I said
I hug her. "Hey it's ok. Ams, this is for everyone. Once I defeat belos I'll find out how to get rid of the killing part. I promise on my life" I said
She hugged me tighter. "Thank you se" amity cried as we just sat there and cried for what we do. For what our inner demons do.

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