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We were on edas back while the divisions were on mini Cerberuses. We were infront of hexide and the gates opened. Emira was looking around in amazement from the changes to hexide. "Well Emira, welcome to the new world." Amity said
Everyone stopped as I returned my Cerberus and my eyes went back to normal and eda went back to her base form. There were many pops from her body. "Woo. I am getting to old for that" eda said
"And how long have you been alive for so far" I ask
"To long" eda sighed
"How did this all happen" Emira asked pointing to hexide.
"After you got controlled and attacked me and ser we went to bump. I thought he could help us with our predicament and he did as you can see" amity explained
"Oh I attacked you two. I sorry" Emira said sad
"No don't be. You were controlled so you didn't have a choice em" I said
"Thanks" Emira said
"Anytime" I said
We went to the war room and I sat on my throne with amity on the arm rest next to me. "Lilith any updates" I ask
She looked at some files she put together and nodded. "There is word of another base at the elbow but we would have to send a small group of the blue division to make sure" Lilith said
"Alright send your top five witches and amity will get two black squadron agents to make sure they get back alive and not be seen" I commanded
The two nod and go get the required witches for that mission.  "Emira come with me" I say getting up
She nods and follows me. We go to my old place where I use to train in secret. "What are we doing here" Emira said
"What we are doing is gaining more power from you. The more you can control that curse mark like me and amity the less chance you will be captured again" I said
"Ok but how are we going to do that" Emira asked
"Well first we need to work on your transformation" I said
"Transformation. What does that mean" Emira asked
"Well if you focus on a single animal then you become a greater evolution you could say of that. Like eda and lilith for example" I explained
"Oh like that. Well I know what eda looked like in her beast form so I guess that's a start" Emira said
"Go ahead I'll be here if things get...out of hand" I said
Emira closed her eyes and by the looks is trying to focus on edas form. I saw feathers on her arms and a bulge in the back of her shirt. But then the feathers fell off her and the bulge disappeared. "Gah. What did I do wrong" Emira pouted
"Just keep focus on that single thing and that alone and you got it. Try again" I said
She closed her eyes again and the feathers came back and then wings came out of her back. Her hair started to cover her back and her legs being bent like a birds. Her hands turning to claws as she went to four legs. She opens her eyes and sees her claws. "I did it. I am a owl beast" Emira exclaimed as she jumped around. "Gods job. But can you fight as the beast" I said as I turned into my beast form. It was twice the size of Emira and Emira
Shivered from the sight of my beast. "Remember Emira. Size doesn't mater if you have any one of two things. Speed and or strength. Let's see which one it is" I said as I roared and brought my clawed hand down. She used her wing to block and then slashed me with her claws. She climbed my arm and went to my back to tip me but I grabbed her and slammed her on the ground. She goes out of her transformed mode and I do too. "Good job em. You adapted to the situation with your new limbs and made a quick plan." I complimented
"Thanks Serene. Couldn't have done it without your teaching" Emira said
"Anytime. *alarm goes off* Ah shit. Emira follow me now" I commanded
We both start running. "What's happening" Emira asked
"Emperors coven guards and two of them have dark magic. Which means it's two of our friends." I said
"Well what are we going to do" Emira asked
"Plan falling owl" I said
We make it to the war room. "Des do you have more curse plates" I ask
"Yes sir but only one" des said
"That's just great. Get another one as soon as possible. And get two people to prepare a cell with high magic canceling shackles" I command
"Sir yes sir" des said running out
"Two black squadrons with me. The rest go out with commander amity and engage one of the dark magic targets. Get them knocked out and to a cell" I commanded
They salute me then run out. "What should I do" Emira asked
"Hm. You think your ready" I ask
She nods. "Alright follow me. And hold this"I said giving her a curse plate. We run out at the front entrance to see a battle going on. Many men fly at one spot and some pink flames are fired at another spot. We run to the spot where men are being thrown and see edric. "Ed" Emira said
"He's not himself right now and won't hesitate to kill you. Just use that plate on his shoulder when I tell you to and everything will be fine." I said
She looks for a moment then nods. She made a obsidian blade and I drew my katana. And we run at him. Emira strikes him at the ankle and I got him at the back of his shin. "AGH" he yelled as he fell. Steam slowly came off of the slash marks and made a scar at that spot. He stood up and looked at us. "Ah glad you could join the party sis" edric said
"Edric just come peacefully. We can help you" Emira tried to convince ed
"*goes into curse mode* how bout no" edric says as he made a white fire in his hand.
Me and Emira go curse mode. "Then so be it" I said
We rushed at him and he formed the fire into a spear to block our blades. I look at a leaf that fell and switch places with it. "Surprise" I said
I slash down but a wall of fire blocked me. I jump back. My eyes and lines on my face go yellow. I get my bass out. I start to play thunderstruck. "Emira get back" I yelled
She did and I did a power cord. "Thunder slash" I said
Lightning crackled in the air then struck Ed. I put the bass up and my eyes go back to red as I draw my blade and it catches fire. I slash his back. "Emira now" I command
Emira got the room late out and ran to me. I slash the cloak off to reveal his curse mark. Emira puts it on him and it starts to melt on it. The control glyph is replaced by ours. I go out of curse mode. "Great. Em take him to the infirmary" I said
She grabbed him and ran off. Then I felt a burst of heat come from a direction. I look over to see amity fighting Willow. And is having a hard time. "*sigh* more work" I said
I go back to curse mode. I think of a idea. I put my hands up like I am holding a ar-15. "Hit em with a tac" I said
Flames engulfed my arms and formed a at-15. I look down the sight and pull the flaming trigger to shoot condensed flames at high speeds towards Willow. It hit her and she got burned bad. "Ha this will be fun" I said
I put my hands in a position like a pistol now. Flames made two uzis in my hand. I pull the triggers on them and start to rail will with flame bullets but she starts to dodge them. My eyes turn blue and make a copy of myself. He makes ak-47. Amity starts to get up and attack her with her flaming fist. They both go into a fist fight with flames. Willows vines come out of the ground and try to smash me. But I turn my left hand Uzi into a tomahawk. I start to slash at the vines while shooting at them. I start to sweat because they where endless. I use fire under my feet to propel myself in the air. My weapons disappear as I draw my katana. I start to hold my head from pain as I hear someone speaking. "Come my champion. Use my power. Be what I truly what this land to be" the voice said.My eyes turn gold and my sword is surrounded by gold lightning and fire. The flames and lightning lengthen and make the katana ten feet higher them me. "The prophet" I said
I raise my flaming and crackling sword to the sky. "The Titans will" I said
I slash down to the ground and all the vines burn instantly. "What" Willow yelled
"This is what the titan wants. The Titans will" I said in a monotone voice
The flames surround my right arm and the katana crackles with lightning. I look at her with my golden eyes. I look to amity. "Move mortal" I said
Amity looked confused but kicked willows knee in and ran back. I look back to Willow. "Let thy cursed soul be healed for I am the one who brings life and death" I said
Lightning crackled crazily around my sword as I was now behind Willow. I sheath my sword. Willow falls as her curse mark catches fire. I go over to her and look at the curse. It changed to instead of a purple flame it is a golden flame and the pentagram is green. I then fall to the ground and pass out.

Inside The circle (Amity x oc)Where stories live. Discover now