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Alright explaining of what has happened so far and stats.

First of is the divisions in the new world order. Blue division is made for spying missions and scoping out camps without being seen. The leader of blue division is Lilith. The next is the orange division, they are what they send after the scouts and silently take out the main defense without notice and help the red division enter. This is lead by alador blight. Now the next division is the red division, they enter after the main defense is broken down and destroy the camp and anyone in it. Most of the time they try to capture high ranked emperors coven guards for info. This is lead by eda of corse. Now the most dangerous of all is the black squadron. There mission is to eliminate spy's and wandering guards so the emperor can't get information about the attacks. This is lead by amity. Then there is the white devision that analyzes info we get form the camps and makes a plan out of it in the war room for Serene to hear. This is lead by mrs blight. Then there is a special division called the silver division. They focus on supplies and making objects for betterment of the army

.character stats 1-10

Serene Cortez:
Strength: 8
Magic: 10
Healing ability:5

Amity blight:
Strength: 4
Magic: 9
Healing ability: 8
Speed: 8

Edalyn clawthorn:
Strength: 6
Magic: 7
Healing ability: 4
Speed: 5

Lilith clawthorn:
Strength: 3
Magic: 7
Healing ability: 4

Healing ability:8

Luz noceda:
Strength: 9
Magic: 9
Healing ability: 6
Speed: 9

Willow park:
Strength: 7
Healing ability: 9

Strength: 3
Magic: 8
Healing ability: 2
Speed: 6

Emira blight:
Strength: 4
Magic: 9
Healing ability: 7
Speed: 4

Edric blight:
Strength: 6
Magic: 9
Healing ability: 2
Speed: 7

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