Chapter 34

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March 8th, 2017

The apartment.

Allys pov

Positive+ Oh my fucking god. I'm pregnant. I checked the box again. Expiration date: March 1st Oh okay so it's expired and I'm not pregnant.

I still have to tell Ben anyway. I made my way out of the bathroom. "Happy one year aniversary!" Ben said. I kissed him and said "Happy one year aniversary! I have to tell you something..." His face went white. "What do you have to tell me Al?" he said.

He looked so scared. "I took a pregnancy test. It was expired so I don't know if I'm actually pregnant though." I said calmly. I did not want to freak him out. The color returned to his face, "How does a pregnancy test expire?" he said in confusion. I giggled and said "I don't know babe but they do." "So we should buy another pregnancy test?" he asked.

"Well I don't know. I don't feel any different than I used to so no pregnancy symptoms but it's better to be safe than sorry." I said. He smiled softly and said "Yeah I guess so." "So how about later? I mean I don't really want to do it now." I said.

"That's fine we could even do it tomorrow if you're not ready yet." he said, taking my hands. I smiled at him and said "So we're happy about this?"

He kissed my hand and said "Either way I'm happy. I've got you that's all I need. Baby or no baby I'm happy Ally." I kissed him softly and said "Me too."

"We've been married for a whole year. That's crazy!" he said. I smiled at him and said "I know! Oh that reminds me we should probably meet up with our friends sometime. I know we see Kara and Corey all the time but we haven't seen Ash, Jeremy, Tommy, Andrew, or Scott (Andrews bf) in a while."

He smiled and said "Yeah for sure." "So tonight big fancy dinner or the coffee shop? Or both." I said. "How about coffee shop in an hour and dinner tonight?" he said.

"I'll go get dressed." I said while walking to our bedroom. He smiled at me and stepped into the studio.

I got dressed into a blue casual dress and a jean jacket. Ben was waiting for me in the living room.

"You look beautiful." Ben said as I walked out of our bedroom. I smiled at him and said "Thank you." He kissed me softly. "So should we go now?" I asked him. "Yeah let's go."

One week later

I have been putting off taking a pregnancy test for a while but Ben told me that we should just get it over with. So I bought a pregnancy test. I walked out of the bathroom. "We're not gonna get results for a couple of minutes." I said to Ben.

"Oh so what should we do while we wait?" he said nervously. I sat down on the bed next to him and took hs hand, "We just wait I guess." I said. He kissed my temple and said "I've never been so nervous for anything in my life." with a slight laugh.

A giggle escaped my lips, "Yeah me either." I said. I checked my phone for the time. "four more minutes." I whispered. Ben squeezed my hand as the seconds went by on my phone.

3:53 minutes left My hands started shaking a little bit. "Hey calm down. We're fine." he said while squeezing my hand a little tighter.

2:36 minutes "Only two minutes left." I said. "What do we do if you are pregnant?" he asked.

"Well we keep it obviously and we just become parents I guess. We'd be great parents- I mean we love each other and I've seen how good you are with kids. Me on the other hand." I said.

"You're great with kids Al. I saw you at our wedding. Kids love you." he said to me. The timer went off.

Ben and I looked at each other. "It's time." I said "You ready?" "No" he responded. I waited a couple of seconds. "What about now?" I asked. "Yes" he said. "Let's go then." I said. I walked over to the table where the pregnancy test was on. I picked it up slowly without turning it over.

Ben walked towrds me. I turned it over Positive+ "Oh my god." I said. Ben hugged me immediately. "We're having a baby." he whispered.

"We're having a baby!" I said to Ben as he slightly lifted me off the ground.

He kissed me roughly. "I have to tell Kara! Oh my god we're actually having a baby!" I said, Bens arms were still wrapped around my waist. "I'm gonna go tell Corey and Meg." he said.

I grabbed my phone and then called Kara.

K: Hey Ally! What's up?

A: Ben and I have some news.

K: Good or bad?

A: ...

K: Ally? What is it? You're scaring me.

A: I'm pregnant

K: Oh my god! You're pregnant?!

A: Yeah! Ben and I just found out. He's calling Corey right now

K: I'm so happy for you Ally!

A: Thank you so much Kar!

K: So any names yet?

A: Kara! We just found out! But yes I do still have that list of baby names from when we were younger.

K: Haha

A: Okay so I should go now we have to tell everyone else now.

K: Okay. I'm so happy for you Ally!

A: Thanks bye Kara!

"Ally come over here!" Ben yelled from the livng room. "What is it?" I asked him. "Meg and Corey said they also have some news." he responded. (Yes I did forget to write this in earlier) "We're also having a baby!" they said. "Oh my god! When?" I asked

"Next month.." "Oh wow. We really haven't seen each other in a long time." I said "Yeah. We should hang out next week." Meg said.

"Yeah of course. So boy or girl?" I asked, smiling. (it's a face time call I forgot to say that) "It's a boy!" Corey said excitedly.

July 12, 2017

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