Chapter 2

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He waved and walked away from you with a huge smile on his face. You blushed as he walked into his dressing room he shared with Jeremy Jordan.

"You're blushing!" Kara said while giggling like a little girl. You tried hiding your blush and said "What? No I'm not!".

She poked your side and said "C'mon let me introduce you to everyone".

She lead you over to to some of the guys dressing rooms.

As the two of you walked in the guys looked up at you. "Hey guys this is my sister Allison she's gonna be hanging out with us for a while!" Kara said excitedly.

Two guys walked over and smiled at you. "Hi I'm Tommy Braco I play Spot and this is-" he got cut off by the other boy "I'm Andrew Keenan Bolger it's nice to meet you" he said with a warm smile.

"Hi I'm Allison which you already know because Kara told you guys" you said with an awkward but polite smile.

"It's fine we have to go get dressed but we'll see you after the show! Bye!" Tommy said while running away. Andrew followed him and shot you another smile.

After introducing you to everyone Kara lead you back to her dressing room. "Hey can you help me pin my hair?" she asked. "Uh yeah just hand me a hair clip" you said.

She handed you some clips and you started pinning her hair up. You stole a piece of candy from Karas candy jar as she started putting her wig on.

"Hey Kara- oh uh who's this?" Jeremy Jordan asked. Your face went blank holy shit Jeremy jordan is standing right in front of you. "This is my younger sister Allison she's gonna hang out with us for a while" Kara said while putting her makeup on.

He walked over to you and shook your hand "Hi I'm Jeremy it's nice to meet you Allison" he said with a smile. "I know. i- That sounded creepy I mean I know you from Bonnie and Clyde uh you can call me Ally" you said, nervously rambling. He laughed and said "That's nice to hear I'll catch you later?" while walking out of Karas dressing room.

"wow that was embarrasing" you said while sitting by Kara. She giggled and said "well he is Jeremy Jordan" jokingly. "I'm gonna go get some water then I'll watch the show from backstage" you said while walking out of Karas dressing room.

You were walking over to get a water bottle when you bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" you said while leaning down to pick your water bottle up. He also leaned down and picked your water bottle. "I'm sorry Allison-" he said.

It was Ben. He shot you a warm smile with his green eyes shining in the light. "It's fine" you said with a slight giggle "You can call me Ally".

He smiled at you and said "oh okay so what are you gonna do while we're on stage?" "I'll probably watch from backstage or catch up on my homework. News never stops!" you said with a laugh.

"Well I only fake sell them so I wouldn't know" he said with a chuckle. He seemed particularly nervous around you which was pretty cute to be honest. You smiled at him and said "well you're pretty good at it"

He visibly blushed and stuttered "uh i- thank you". "Hey don't you have to go on stage in like well now?" you said while looking at your watch. "Oh shit I have to go but I'll see you during intermission?" he asked while running away from you.

"Yeah for sure!" you called out. "Bye Ally!" he yelled as he entered the stage. You smiled to yourself as 'Carryin the banner' ended.

You made your way over to some of the seats and just watched them sing and dance. They completely amazed you out there as you quietly sang along. "You're good at singing" you heard Ben say from behind you.

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