lots of visitors

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I look at everybody at the door and sigh. This was supposed to be a chill day not a day where I have visitors. I look at nessa and she looks shocked but quickly smiles at the guest. "Um hi guys. What are you doing here?" Nessa asks. "We thought we would all come over and see how Josh is doing." I guy with dark brown hair and bushy eyebrows says. "Ok um you can go sit on the couch." Nessa says they all nod and walk to the couch. "Who are all those people?" I whisper. Nessa sighs. "That is another tiktok house." She says. I look at her expecting more of an explanation. "The hype house. (The hype house is still going to be everybody sorry if I forget some people tbh I'm way more of a sway fan. I only follow a few people from the hype house.)." She sighs. "Oh." "Ok I promise I won't let them stay to long or ask many questions. Ok?" She comforts me. "Ok." I let out a shaky breath. She takes my hand in hers and pulls me towards the couch. We sit down on a 2 section couch so it's only us sitting by each other. "Ok Josh. This is Thomas, Addison, Dixie, Charli, Avani, Toni, Andres, Larray, Tayler, Kouvr, Alex, Papper, Michael, Calvin, and Chase." (That is going to be all the members in the story.) I look at all of them. So Avani is the curly hair girl. Thomas is the bushy eyebrow guy. And Chase is in my house? I thought I was mad at him? Why would he want to check on me? Maybe nessa didn't mention that I forgave him. "Um hi." I said. "Well we just came to see how everything was going." Tony? Said. I think it is Tony. Curly hair. "Um he is still trying to regain his memories but this morning I was telling him about all kinds of things." Nessa explains. This is awkward I don't even know what to say because I don't even know any of them I mean I don't remember any of them. "Um was I close to any of you?" I ask. That seemed to make everyone uncomfortable. Ugh why did I ask that? "Um you probably talk to Avani the most. You hang out with Tayler some times." Thomas explains. Ugh why are they even here if we weren't even close. I know I know I'm being rude they came here to check on me. "So do you guys really all live in the same house?" I ask. "No some of us live in separate places." Thomas laughs trying to lighten the mood. Ugh I just feel stupid. I can't remember anything so how am I supposed to have a whole conversation with them. "Well we bought some candy and snacks for you. We thought it would make you feel a little better considering what is happening." They give me lots of bags of candy and chips and all kinds of things. "Uh thank you." I said. "Well we should leave we just wanted to check in on you." They all stand up and start walking to the door. Um ok. "Uh thanks." I say. They all nod and leave. Nessa says bye and then shuts the door. "Well that was awkward." Nessa laughs. For some reason I break out into laughs too. It was pretty funny how awkward it was. I take a deep breath. "We should go somewhere." I say. Nessa stops laughing and looks at me. "Like where?" She giggles. "Um another state or another country. Anywhere." I ask. "you're actually serious?" She asks taken back. "yeah." I say. "Josh we are not traveling right now while you are super confused and still trying to figure out everything." She says and starts walking back to the couch. I follow her and sit down next to her. "Please. I want to go somewhere." I beg. "Josh you need to be here. You are barely getting any memories here and I'm sure you won't get any more any where else." She explains. " I don't care if I get any memories. I just really want to go somewhere. Please Nessa." I stare at her with what I hope is a cute face. "Fine but I am asking your doctor first to see if it is a good idea." She gives in. I smile and hug her. "Yesss! This is going to be so much fun!" I smile so big. She looks at me with a cute smile on her face and I see her eyes sparkle. "Ok. I'm gonna go call the doctor you look at the computer and see where you want to go." She explains and walks away. I grab the computer and start looking up some places to go. Ooh we could go to Washington to see the white house. Ooh or Disney world in Florida. Ooh or New York for the statue of liberty. Ooh or we could go to Paris for the eiffel tower. Ooh or we could go to Canada what if that brings back really old memories and then my other memories come back. Nessa comes back and smiles. The doctor said it should be fine but you do need to be extra careful and if we take a plane you have to make sure you hold your head off the seat when taking off and landing." She smiles. "Yesss." I said. "so where do you want to go?" She asks. "Um I think I want to go to Canada. Maybe that would bring some memories." I smile. I can see the sadness in her eyes but then she smiles. "Yeah Canada sounds fun but please don't get your hopes up. You might get memories but you might not." She explains. I nod and we start ordering tickets. This is going to be the best trip ever. Well it might be the only trip I remember for a while. I can't wait to get away from here and take a trip. Let's just hope being in my home town brings back some memories.

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