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Nessa's pov
That day was the worst and best day of my life. At first I was scared because I didn't know what was happening with Josh. Then when he woke up and said my name his eyes were shining like before his concussion. I immediately pressed the call button and nurses and doctors ran in. They ran some tests and asked him questions and everything was looking good. He actually remembered stuff and it felt to me like a huge miracle. I will forever be greatful for that day.
Josh's pov
I got my memory back boisszs. And girls. It felt amazing seeing the excited faces of Nessa and my friends. Now my life is great. 4 years after that day I proposed to Nessa and she said Yes!!! 2 years after that we had our little girl, Jerika Ashley Richards. And a year after that we had our son, Jordan Oak Richards. They are beautiful inside and out and I couldn't imagine my life any other way. We now live in Colorado because we wanted to be out of California. Oh I forgot to mention we are expecting now 2 years after Jordan was born. We are going to name her Jada may Richards. I guess we are a family of J's. 😁

                          The End
_________________________________________ I've decided that I am not going to make a sequel because I want to end the story like this. Sorry the epilogue is short I would rather it short and sweet then long and too detailed so yeah. 😁😂 I hope you have enjoyed this story. 😁 Thank you for reading.. 😁

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