Choices to be made

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We stay there looking at each other for a while. I know the logical choice would be Nessa. Like if she was just my online girlfriend then why does she know so much about me? Why would she be the only person I remembered? And to top it off I don't even feel attracted to Scharlet but Nessa takes over my thoughts every second of the day. "Scharlet do you even have any pictures of us together?" I ask. She looks at me but I can't tell what she is thinking. "Well um sorry to say this but during my trip I broke my phone and lost everything on it. Including pictures. I had to get a new one." She explains. "This is rediculous. Scharlet I think you need to leave this house. Neither of us even know you and you are confusing Josh and feeding him false information. How about you tell me the real reason you are here. I'll pay you. I just want to know what you are doing." Nessa says. "Fine. Someone sent me to tell Josh this so that he would turn on you and then you would be available. I can't name any names. They paid me $500." Scharlet explains. Nessa pulls out a check and fills it out. "Here is $1000 for you to leave this house and never come back. Maybe if you wanted more you would tell me who." Nessa suggests. "Sorry. I just can't. But I told you the real reason of why ok." She turns to look at me. "I am so sorry Josh for doing this I just needed the money and I had to. All I can say is that it is someone you both know. Now I have to go. S-sorry." Then she runs out of the house. I sit there staring at the floor. How could someone do this? This is like some twisted movie crap. I look up at nessa and she is just staring at the couch. "I am so sorry I left you alone. I think we need to have someone home with you at all times." Nessa explains. Then she walks upstairs. This is all so crazy. I hate not having my memory. That's why I am going to come up with a plan. Maybe if I hit my head hard enough I will get my memory back but I am never going to be able to with Nessa watching me like a hawk. That is why I need Avani to take her on a girl's day. But I need a lie for Avani. I got it! I can tell Avani to get Nessa out of the house so I can surprise her. Hopefully I actually do surprise her with me regaining my memory. But just how am I going to hit my head. Ugh. But it is the only solution I can think of...

_________________________________________I wonder how Josh's plan is going to turn out? Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been really busy. Thanks for reading my story. 😁

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