Texts... 😬

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We got there and we all went to the door. I knocked on the door and my mom answered. "Hey guys!" She said excitedly. Then she hugged all of us including Nessa. We all walked in and we sat down at the dinner table. "So Josh are you gonna take them to the huge fair next week?" My mom asked. "Yes. Today I made them try candy here." I said. "Oh did they like everything?" She asked. "Uh they just didn't like one thing." I said. "Oh let me guess it was the quarter bar?" She asked. "Yep." I said. She laughed and then we all sat down to eat. "Oh Avani josh told me you were coming." She said. Avani smiled and hugged her. Then they all said hi. Then my mom served us our dinner. "So what all did you guys do?" Olivia asked. "Well we did a little swimming. Then we ate lunch and had icecream. Then we went to the candy shop." I explained. "Ooh what was your favorite candy?" Will asked. "I like the aero." Jaden said. "I liked the smarties." Avani said. "I like the Macintosh." Kio and Anthony said. "I liked the eat-more bar." Griffin, Bryce, and Quinton said. "Well I liked the big turk and the coffee crisps." Noah said. "Well I liked all of it except for the wine gum and the quarter bar." Nessa said. "Yeah the wine gums are pretty chewy." My mom said. Ok I don't know what switched on my mother but I am glad that she is including Nessa. "So I was wondering if you guys maybe wanted to stay at our boat house for a couple days. Well we can stay for like two days so we can go to the fair on the opening night because on the opening night it is the best." My mom said. "Ok that's sounds fun. Are you guys fine with that?" I asked. They all nodded. "Ok we can leave tomorrow morning." My dad said. We all nodded and then we just ate and talked a little. Then we all sat in the living room talking. Then we all left. We all went to our rooms. "Well that went good." I said. "Yeah." She smiled. "I wonder what happened?" She asked. "Maybe she realized that she was being unresonable." I said. She nodded and then we both layed down. We cuddled up to each other and then fell asleep. We woke up and grabbed some things that we needed at the boat house then we all met in the lobby. My dad said that they were gonna pick us up so we can go straight to the boat house. He picked us up and we all hopped in the car. The boat house was an hour away. We finally arrived to the boat house and it is pretty big. It has 8 rooms. Avani and Anthony shared one room. My mom and dad shared another. Olivia had her own and Will had his own. There were only 4 other rooms left. There was 3 beds in one big room. Jaden, Griffin, and Bryce stayed in that room. Then quinton, me, and Noah stayed in another room. Olivia offered for Nessa to share with her so Nessa was going to share a room with her. We all ate breakfast then we all got our bathing suits on. We all got on the boat and started going down the lake. We had tubes and jet skies on the boat. We also had a slide and placed to jump off of. So my dad parked the boat in the middle of the lake and we started swimming. Me and the boys started passing Will back and forth and Will was having so much fun but my mom was freaking out. "Guys put Will down now!" She yelled. "Honey calm down he is fine." My dad said. Then we all got back on the boat to have a little snack. Me and Nessa was eating at one of the leather bench seats. We kind of had our legs interlocked. Mine was behind hers and she had hers draped over mine. Kind of like holding hands but in a secret way. We all ate and then stood up. "Now we can go on the tube." My dad said. "Will you go first. Josh you are gonna have to ride with him." My mom said. I nodded and we both got on the tube.
Nessa's POV
They put out the tube with josh and Will on then started driving the boat. The way Josh was protecting Will just made me smile. He was holding on to the tube with one hand then he had one arm draped over Will. Then they ended. Will almost flew off but Josh made sure he didn't. Then they got back on the boat. Then all the boys went. Then Anthony and Avani went. Olivia didn't want to go so I just sat there. "Come on Nessa you have to do it." Josh said. "Nooo." I said. "Come on. I will go with you." He said. "I don't know." I said. "Oh come on." He said. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the back of the boat where the tube was. He helped me onto the tube. Then he got on next to me. Then they pushed the tube out. We were far away and the boat was loud so they couldn't hear us. "Remember I love you and I won't let anything happen to you." He said. "I love you too but I am really scared." I said. He grabbed my hand in between our bodies so they couldn't see. Then they started driving the boat. It was actually really fun and Josh made sure I felt safe.
Josh's POV
We got off and got back on the boat. We drove the boat back to the house and then went inside the house. We all got dressed and then ate lunch. Well technically a late lunch so kind of dinner too. Then we all sat in the living room. Avani and Anthony shared the big chair. Then my mom, dad, olivia, and will sat on the big couch. Then all the boys sat on the floor. Nessa sat on the other couch. Then we turned on a movie. I wanted to sit by Nessa but I knew they would think it was weird if I sat with her instead of the boys. We were just watching the movie and then we all got tired so we went to our rooms. I was really missing Nessa.
Nessa's POV
Olivia fell asleep really fast. I was missing Josh a lot. I decided to text him.
Nessa:are you awake
Josh: yes the boys already fell asleep
Nessa: yeah olivia is asleep
Josh: I miss you
Nessa: I miss you too
Josh: maybe we could sneak into another room and just make sure we wake up early enough so we can sneak back.
Nessa: but what if we don't wake up early enough
Josh: it will be fine. We just have to wake up at like 8 because my mom and dad sleep in until like 10
Nessa: uh ok. Meet you in the hallway
Josh: ok.
*end of texts*
I slowly got up and then quietly walked out of the room. I saw josh walking out of their room and he looked so cute. We slowly walked up to each other and he hugged me. Then we walked into one of the rooms. "Now I can sleep good." He said. I giggled and then we both layed down. He put his arm over me and used his other arm and moved his hand up and down my back. Then we both fell asleep. He woke me up and we both snuck out of the room. No one was awake thankfully and we both snuck into the rooms. When I went in Olivia slightly woke up. "Where were you?" She asked half asleep. "I went to the restroom." I said. She slightly nodded and fell back asleep. I was wide awake now so I just went on my phone. Then josh texted me.
Josh: I miss you already
Nessa: I miss you too. I hate this whole secret thing.
Josh: I know. We just have to though.
Nessa: I know.
Josh: I love you
Nessa: I love you too.
*end of texts*
I was about to put my phone back down but it went off again.
Chase: hey Nessa. I just wanted to say that I am very sorry and Thomas was wondering if you wanted to come to the Hype house today
Nessa: uh I am kinda busy right now
Chase: oh. What about tomorrow.
Nessa: actually I am visiting my family rn
Chase: oh. Well maybe you can come when you get back.
*end of texts*
I decided not to answer him because to be honest I did not want to see him at all. We all woke up and we went into the kitchen. I decided not to tell Josh that Chase texted me because I didn't want to ruin his trip. We all ate breakfast and I guess I looked worried because josh looked at me questioning. "Are you ok?" He whispered to me. "Uh yeah. Just a little tired." I lied. He nodded and continued eating. "Do you guys want to go back out on the boat again?" His dad asked. "Sure." We all said. Then we all got ready. We went out to the boat and all got on. Then my phone went off again.
Chase: ugh I miss you.
Chase: when do you come back?
Chase: if you come back early enough Josh won't even be near because he is in Canada.
Chase: please come here soon. I really want to see you.
*end of texts*
The texts were starting to creep me out. When we kissed it was a mistake and now he is acting like we are dating. I didn't want to show Josh but I knew I had too. I pulled Josh away from the group. "Josh don't let this ruin your trip or anything but Chase keeps texting me." I said. He looked really mad. "Well what is he saying?" He asked. I could tell he was trying to stay calm. I pulled up the texts and gave the phone to Josh.
Josh's POV
I read the texts and I was so mad. He has no right to text her. She already said that everything was a mistake. "He is so annoying." I said. "Hey don't let it get to you. Please enjoy your time." She said. "I know and please don't let it bug you either." I said. She smiled and we almost kissed but we quickly remembered that we were still on the boat. I gave her phone back to her and then we went back to the group. We just chilled and talked. Then my phone started going off.
Chase: Josh I don't want to make you mad or anything. I just want to ask one simple question
Josh: what
Chase: ok I know that I was wrong but I really do like Nessa. I was wondering if maybe I could start talking to her. I think she might actually like me.
Josh: thanks for asking but no
Chase: but why. See you are just selfish. You don't have her but you don't want anybody else to have her. Just plain out selfish.
Josh: whatever. I just don't want you talking to her and I still don't like you.
Chase: whatever. I thought I was being nice by asking but I am not gonna listen to your answer.
Josh: well she is never gonna love you anyway so you are wasting your time.
Chase: that is what you think. But just so you know I've kissed her twice.
Josh: when was the second time
Chase: it was like 3 weeks before y'all broke up. Then the second time was when she told you.
*end of texts*
Yeah he is definitely lieing. It still made me upset though to think about it. "Hey what's wrong?" Nessa asked. "Nothing. Just chilling." I lied. "Ok but we are about to swim so cheer up." She said. I half smiled and then stood up. My mom turned on some music and then we all started dancing. I could feel my phone going off but I just ignored it. Then everybody hopped in the lake. I didn't really feel like swimming so I sat on the boat. "Josh why aren't you getting in?" My dad asked. "Uh just don't feel like swimming." I said. "Uh ok." My dad said. I took out my phone and I was getting tagged in one of Chase's tweets. Ugh what now?
Lilhuddy- Me and Josh are fine. He gave me permission to kiss her after they broke up then we faked the drama.
I was just so mad so I decided to tweet out.
Joshrichards- imagine lieing to make yourself look better.
I was so mad. We did not fake anything and he is just going to lie to all his supporters.
Lilhuddy-  imagine getting cheated on then letting the person kiss her again.
That just pushed me over the edge.
Joshrichards- imagine letting all your friends protect you while you sit in your room and do nothing. Imagine being a liar on social media. Imagine thinking a girl likes you when she doesn't at all. Imagine taking advantage of 2 girls. Imagine being so dumb that you forget that I have proof.
If he tweets one more time I will put the text messages that he sent Nessa on Twitter.
Lilhuddy- I am right next to her right now and she says that he is a liar.
Oh my gosh he is so dumb.
Joshrichards- I am with her right now you liar. *image* and here is the proof of chase annoying Nessa. *screenshot of texts*
Now let's see if he tweets anything else. I looked at all his comments and I saw everybody calling him a liar. Wait oh no I just exposed that we were together on a trip. That was the number one rule when we came here. I deleted the tweet. Then I started getting tagged on tiktokroom. Great they already took a screenshot of the tweets. "Josh get off your phone and come swim." My mom said. "Hold on one second." I said. Then i texted Chase.
Josh: you are so stupid just learn how to treat a girl right. Also learn how to treat your friends right. Did I ever do anything to you or something?
Chase: I know how to treat friends and girls right.
Josh: well it doesn't seem like it. You are the one that just tried to make Nessa look bad. Also you cheated on Charli. You also betrayed me twice so before you go and lie just remember that I will never support you and I will always tell the truth to my supporters.
Chase: you have hurt me too so don't go and act all innocent.
Josh: what do you mean?! I have never done anything to you other than get back to you which yes I regret but you are the one that caused it.
Chase: you knew that I liked Nessa and you decided to date her.
Josh: I never knew you liked her. Also I am the one that always supported you. I supported you when everybody was hating on you. I let you stay at my house. I treated you like my own brother. When your parents kicked you out of the house I am the first person that tried to help you. I gave you a place to stay, I gave you food, I gave you family and friends. I am the one that helped you get with charli. Now you go and betray me twice then when I try to teach you that was not right you tear me down again. Now before you go and say that you treated people right just think about all the things you have done.
*end of texts*


Thank you to everybody that has read my story and has commented. I really appreciate that people take the time to read my book.

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