Talked to me

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*5 days later*
His parents just arrived at the hospital. I am sitting next to his bed still holding his hand. All the boys are here and his parent and siblings are sitting on a little bench in the room. All the boys are sitting all along the window ceil. I know all the boys are worried about me. It annoys me. They are all worried because I haven't eaten or slept in weeks. While they should just be worried about Josh. They did bring me some clothes so I have changed I just really want him to wake up. No one is saying anything the room is completely silent. I know Josh wouldn't want us sitting around crying and everything but I can't help it. My heart feels broken seeing him in the hospital bed with wires all hooked to him. Then his nurse walks in. She has a worried face on and I can't help but to start tearing up more. "Um we have tested everything and everything still looks good... but we feel that he might be to far in a coma that he might not wake up." She says. I hear his mom break down and Olivia and Will start crying. I hear all the boys sigh and they all look broken. I see his dad trying to stay strong for his family but I can see how broken he is. I just stare at Josh. I know stupid. Shouldn't I be breaking down or throwing things having a mental break down but I just stare at Josh. I hear the nurse walk out and my eyes are just stuck on Josh. "Nessa are you ok?" I hear Jaden ask. I just keep staring at Josh. I can't even move my mouth to speak. "Nessa?" He repeats. I just can't look away from Josh. It feels like everything is happening around me and I am just in a room alone with Josh. He has to wake up. He has to. I can feel all the tears running down my cheeks. "Nessa?" I hear Jaden say but it sounds muffled. Then I just see white. What is happening. I am in a white room. Then Josh walks up to me. "Don't worry Ness. I am going to stay with you. We will get married and have kids. I promise. I just need to sleep a little bit longer. My body is just not ready to wake up." He says. I am confused but mostly happy. I am happy that I can hear his voice. "Oh and Ness I know you are going to be angry with me but please leave the hospital for atleast 1 night. You need sleep I promise I am going to still be here when you come back." He says. Then he walks away and I am back in the hospital room. "No come back!" I yell. "Nessa what do you mean?" Bryce asked. "J-Josh he just w-was talking to me." I say. "Nessa I think you need to get some sleep." Anthony says. "No he was really talking to me. Please believe me." I say. "We believe you." Griffin says with a frown. I know he is lying. They don't believe me. "How about we take you home. You need some sleep." Jaden says. I don't want to leave but Josh wants me too and I will be back tomorrow. I slowly nod and jaden slightly smiles. I turn around and kiss Josh on the forehead then Jaden leads me out of the hospital. We go to Josh's house and I walk inside. Everything is cleaned up. I slowly walk upstairs and I walk into Josh's room. Everything is cleaned up in here too. I take a deep breath and sit on his bed. I immediately start crying. I miss him so much. This was a bad idea. What was I thinking leaving the hospital!? I need him. I stand up and walk towards the door. Then my phone rings. I look at the phone and the hospital is calling. My mind immediately goes to bad things.
*on phone*
Doctor: Uh Nessa Barrett?
Nessa: Y-yeah
Doctor: Um I'm so sorry but his heart stopped. There was nothing we could do.
*end of call*
I feel my heart drop. I hand up the phone and I feel a lump in my throat. I just spoke to him. He told me that he was going to wake up and we were going to live the rest of our lives together. I start grabbing things and throwing them against the floor. I grab some picture frames and start throwing them. I am broken. I can't live without him. I hear footsteps coming towards the room but I can't stop throwing things. All of a sudden I am pulled towards someone. I just break down even more. I am never going to be able to hug him. I am never going to be able to kiss him. I am never going to be able to hear his voice. "Nessa shhhhh. What's wrong?" Bryce asks. "H-he's gone." I cry out. "Wait what?" He asks. "T-the.. doctor.. just.. c-called me." I say in between cries. I see tears coming from his eyes and he hugs me tighter. "Y-you have to take..... me to the hospital. I-I need to see him one last t-time." I say. He hesitates at first but then he nods and we walk downstairs. All the boys look at me worried then they see the tears on Bryce's cheeks and I can tell they all know why we are crying. "N-no." Anthony says. Bryce nods and all the boys instantly hug me and we all are in a group hug. Then we all head into the car. We arrive at the hospital and I run into his room. He is still there and he is still all hooked up. His parents and Olivia and Will are sleeping. What? I run over to Josh and he is still breathing. I sigh in relief but I am confused. All the boys run in and they look around the room then their faces turn from sad to confused. "T-they called me and told me he was gone. H-he is still here." I say. Then his doctor runs in. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I must of read the name wrong. I have two patients named Joshau." He says. I slowly sit down in the chair and grab Josh's hand. "Do you have any updates?" Bryce asks. "Um ok." He sighs. "We are trying our best. He still doesn't show signs of waking up anytime soon. We have gave him so many medications through his IV and he is still not responding. I'm sorry. I know it is not the news you want to hear. We can still have hope though. He has nothing wrong internally. We just haven't checked his head. He could have either hit his head where he just needs time to heal or he could have hit it where it just takes time to take affect. We are hoping for the first option but don't get your hope up to high because right now he is leaning more towards option two." He says. Then he walks out. "D-do you think he is going to wake up?" I ask as I look at the boys. They all have frowns. "Uh..." Griffin starts but hesitates. I sigh and look towards Josh. "H-he will wake up. He promised me." I said. They stay silent and I continue to look at Josh. A few minutes pass and I hear the boys talking to Josh's parents. "I think this is hitting her a little to hard. She thinks she talked to him." Bryce says. "Maybe she just hopes she does." Josh's dad says. "I don't know. She seemed pretty convinced." Jaden said. "Maybe it was just a dream." Anthony says. I sigh. "I don't care what you guys think. I talked to him and I know you think I am insane but I did." I say still staring at Josh. "W-we don't think you are insane." Kio says. "Yes you do. You think I imagined it or dreamed it. I saw him. I was standing in a white room and he walked up to me. He promised me that he was going to eventually wake up. He said his body just needs a little more rest. The only reason why I left the hospital was because he told me he wanted me too." I say. They all look at me in shock. I can't tell if they believe me or they think I am even more insane.

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