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     I sat in the background of the conversation, only half listening to information I should have whole heartedly been paying attention to. I just couldn't keep my mind focused on anything but those light blue eyes, blonde hair, and witty demeanor. I don't know what was so entrancing about Sailor, I'd met her not even an hour ago but she somehow consumed my thoughts.

     "So, Harry, tell us a little bit about yourself, mate," I blinked, taking in a breath before giving the group a smile.

     "Uhm, well, I moved to London about a year ago. I work at a record store a few blocks from here and when I'm not working, I'm going for runs, sleeping, or watching reruns of Friends. I write music occasionally, nothing too exciting though," I shrugged, almost laughing at how pathetically boring I sounded.

     "Wow, that is quite the life my friend," Louis patted my back, his sarcasm evident as he took a swig of his beer, "What got you into music?"

     "My mum actually. I grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Peter Gabriel; really just about everything from the 70's. I taught myself to play the drums when I was 15 and just never really pursued a music career until now," I took a sip of my water, my throat suddenly feeling dry.

"Hey that's actually pretty sick. Mitch is definitely a fan of classics," Mitch gave me a nod and a smile, "You're a beast on the drums. Almost as good as Zayn."

"Zayn was our previous drummer. He got his girlfriend pregnant before we could actually get a gig. He wanted to get a full time career now that he's got a little one on the way," Liam explained, making me nod.

"It was really strange seeing him so happy considering..." Once again my mind drifted off as Louis and Liam discussed Zayn's mental health. I found myself slouching down in the booth, my eyes catching a familiar brunettes as he hopped out of his Jeep. A part of me hoped that Sailor would have come along with us so that I could get to know her a little better but she seemed adamant about getting some sleep.

Niall walked through the Pub doors, looking around until he spotted us at the booth in the corner. He had a smile on his face until his eyes met mine, his face falling momentarily before Louis shouted out at him. I really wasn't sure what his issue was with me but I'd like to get to the bottom of it. My narcissism never did well with distaste.

"Did you get the Captain in okay?" Louis asked as Niall slide in beside Liam, causing Mitch to practically hug the window. He didn't really seem to mind though, leaning back against the red leather as he closed his eyes.

"Safe and sound in her bed, sir," Niall gave him a sarcastic salute, earning the bird from Louis, "She fell asleep in the Jeep and I carried her upstairs. Tucked her in, made sure the doors were locked, and her phone was placed on the charger next to her bed in the event she needed us. Poor girl was exhausted," Niall sighed as he called over our waitress, ordering a Guinness.

"I just hope she actually gets some rest. That dick of a boss of hers is working her too much," Louis shook his head, anger laced in his words.

"He's just lucky that he's untouchable right now," Louis hummed at this, not exactly agreeing, "She needs the job, Lou. We can't just go beating up everyone who hurts her."

"Maybe you can't, but I'd do it if I needed to," Niall sighed, holding Louis' eyes as they seemed to have some secret conversation. I knew there was more to this story, more to the reason that they were so protective over Sailor but I didn't think now would be a good time to ask.

"I'm going to play slots," Louis got up in a huff, Niall and Liam following after him. I wasn't sure what was discussed between Niall and Louis but I had a feeling Louis lost the battle with his annoyed exit.

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