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Sailor had finally fallen asleep after a shower and some hot tea, curled up in a cocoon on my couch with soft snores leaving her lips. I leaned against the kitchen counter, my features set in a deep frown as my eyes ran over her puffy ones, wishing more than anything I could take away every ounce of pain she felt. That girl had gone through more shit than anyone should ever have to deal with in her 23 years on this Earth.

I'd shot a text to Niall to be completely quiet when he came home from work and that I'd explain when he got here before dialing my mum's number and walking to the back bedroom. I shut the door quietly behind me as she picked up.

"Is this Louis? My dear son who seems to have forgotten that I was the woman who gave birth to him and never calls me anymore?" I rolled my eyes at this, a small feeling of guilt rising in my chest as I knew it'd been too long since I called home.

"Sorry, mum. I've been a bit busy with finding a drummer, practicing, and work. I promise I'll call more now that things have settled down...somewhat," I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at my socked feet.

     "I'm holding you to it, dear," I sighed, knowing for a fact that she would, "How are you? Excited for your big show tonight?"

"Very much so and I'll be sure to call and tell you all about it tomorrow but that's actually not why I called," I bit the inside of my cheek, hoping I could play this down a little so that she wouldn't completely freak out.

"Okay, what's going on?" I rubbed my eyes with the my pointer finger and thumb while I tried to figure out how to word everything.

"So when I picked Sailor up today from work, there was a small incident-"

"Louis William Tomlinson am I going to have another lawsuit on my hands because you couldn't contain your anger? I'm going to have to set up anger management cl-"

"Mum-MUM," I waited until she stopped her rambling before continuing, "I actually didn't hit anyone today but I should have but it would have made this lawsuit a lot more difficult," I fell back onto the bed, taking in another breath before getting to my point, "When I went to get Sails, she was running out of her bosses office in tears and complete panic. I don't know the whole story but I've only seen that look one time before with her mum."

"Did he- Is she okay?" I nodded only to realize my mum couldn't see me.

"I don't think there was time for things to escalate. She's shaken up but overall she's okay. She's asleep on my sofa right now. Like I said, I don't know the full story and she doesn't know I'm calling you but I did mention to her asshat of a boss that he'd be hearing from you," I heard her sigh as I closed my eyes, trying to keep my anger at bay because if it weren't for legal issues, I would have pummeled that dickhead into the ground without a second thought.

"Well I'm just glad that you didn't beat the dickhead senseless and that Sailor is safe. Make sure you let her know you told me and we'll talk on Sunday. Keep an eye on her at the gig tonight and please give her an extra hug for me," I promised her I would, hearing commotion in the background, "The twins are at it again. I gotta go, love. Good luck tonight and please call me in the morning! I want to hear all about it!"

     "I will, mum. I'm sure Sailor will be sending you pictures and videos all night," She laughed at this, the sound making me miss home. I was definitely a mummy's boy and I wasn't ashamed of it.

     "I love you, dear. Be safe and please make sure that Sailor talks to her parents. That bastard will get what he deserves, I assure you of that," I smiled, knowing damn well my mum would go to the ends of the Earth to defend Sailor. She was practically one of her own.

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