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An annoying and continuous buzzing woke me from a deep sleep. I threw my arm over to my nightstand, flopping my hand around until I got ahold of my phone. Opening one eye, I swiped the screen to answer.

     "Hello?" I closed my eyes once more, snuggling in beneath my sheets as I heard my mom speak on the other end.

     "Oh honey we're you sleeping? I'm so sorry I thought you'd be up. It's about six now," I sighed, rolling on my back as I stretched my arms over my head.

     "It's okay, I'm glad you called because I need to get up. I'm honestly surprised I slept this late," I opened my eyes to my dark room, rubbing the sleep from them as I sat up.

     "I just wanted to see how your night went but if you need to wake up and call me later, that's fine too," I let out another loud yawn as I shook my head, realizing my mom couldn't physically see me doing this.

     "No, it's okay. Uhm my night was fine, nothing too crazy happened and Daniel wasn't there when I clocked in so that was a plus," I bit the inside of my cheek, my fingers playing with the hem of my comforter. Talking about Daniel on my day off really made me want to vomit up the bile in my stomach.

     "I hate that you have to deal with a scumbag boss like him, honey. But I'm glad you didn't have to deal with him last night. How many nights are you off?" I closed one eye as I tried to figure out just what day it was considering night shift had me all types of messed up.

     "Uh, I work Tuesday through Thursday and then I'm off the weekend for Lou's gig," My phone beeped in my ear, causing me to turn my call on speaker as I checked out the notification.

     Wake up sleeping beauty we're starving!!

     "Oh yeah! How is Lou? Did he end up finding a drummer?" I went to tell her yes when I heard four distinctive knocks coming from my front door, making me roll my eyes instead.

     "Yeah, he did but Mom I currently have four, possibly five, more than likely drunk and hungry boys knocking at my door so if I don't hurry and get some pants on, they're all going to see me in my underwear," I heard her laugh on the other end as the knocking only grew louder, various voices now shouting my name.

     "Tell all of them I said hello and to stop harassing my daughter. Also tell Lou I expect to see him here for dinner on Sunday. I love you, be safe," I told her I loved her too before hopping off my bed in a huff, grabbing my sweats off the floor and stomping out of my room.

     I couldn't help the smile playing on my lips as I approached the door. Niall and Louis were arguing about the fact that they probably woke me up while Mitch was telling them both to shut up or they'd alert the neighbors. I sighed before swinging the door open, watching Louis stumble into the apartment due to me taking away the surface he was leaning on.

     "Sailor, Captain, how are you lovely? Well rested? You look like you just crawled out of bed," Louis rambled on as he used me to catch his balance, alcohol evident on his breath. I did my best to hold him up as I looked over at Mitch, watching him give me a rather guilty smile.

     "Well that's probably because I did just crawl out of bed because a bunch of drunk idiots showed up at my door, pounding on it like there was bloody emergency," I diverted my attention to the rest of the boys, meeting their glassy eyes and drunken smiles. Even Harry had flushed cheeks and glazed over eyes. He gave me a cheeky smile so wide that his eyes were practically closed. I turned back to Mitch the minute I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks, "Mitchell Rowland, I leave you in charge and look what happens."

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