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     You're fine, everything's fine. Stop freaking out over your own problems, those can wait. You need to be there for the boys right now, this is their first real gig. You told them forget about it tonight and that's what you need to do. Get a grip, Sailor.

"Oy, oy! You ever coming outta there Captain?" I jumped at Lou's voice, my eyes shooting up to my reflection in the mirror. I gulped at the person staring back at me, taking in a deep breath before plastering a fake smile on my face and swinging the door open, almost smacking Louis in the process.

     "Shit, sorry Lou," I let out a nervous laugh as his eyes narrowed. I knew he was analyzing each movement I made seeing as both he and Niall were worried I'd manage to break at any second. They should know better.

"You ready Cap?" His blue eyes met mine, asking a different question. I knew he was really asking me if I was okay but chose his words carefully as he made me a pinky promise to forget about the aftermath of this morning until tomorrow.

"I'm ready, are you?" The fake smile didn't fool Louis but his expression changed, telling me the question would be dropped despite the fact that he could see right through me.

"Are you kidding? I've been waiting for this moment since I came out of the womb," He slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him to place a kiss to my temple before walking us back into the crowded space, "You want to be backstage or with the crowd tonight?" My eyes scanned over the large crowd, picking up on bits and pieces of conversation as Louis pulled me towards the stage where the rest of the band was getting set up.

     "As cool as being backstage sounds, I'd rather have a front row seat to watch my best friend and his band perform for the first time ever!" I grabbed ahold of Lou's hand that was slung around my shoulders, giving it a squeeze.

     "Alright, just stay close to the stage. Don't want to, uh, lose you in the crowd or anything," I sighed through my clenched teeth.

     He's just trying to protect you, Sailor. You can't get upset with him. You might not be here without him so cool your jets.

     "Of course, Dad. Wouldn't want you to have to announce mid-set you lost your child," I patted his side before sneaking out from under his arm, avoiding his gaze, "I'm gunna get a drink from the bar and then I'll be front and center cheering you on! Go kick some ass Tommo!" I smacked his ass, hoping to lighten the mood. I know I said anger wasn't the way to go in this situation so sarcasm was my next choice.

"Oy! Keep your hands off the merchandise, Jennings!" He shouted, bringing his hand to rub over his bum. I let out a laugh, turning to head towards the liquor supply but Louis caught my hand, stopping me and pulling me in for a hug, "Thank you for being here, Sails. Love you," He placed a kiss to the side of my head before letting me go.

"Of course," I swallowed, plastering a small smile on my face, "Love you too. Tell all the boys I wish them luck," He gave me a small nod before heading up to join the band. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes as I did my best to blink them away, taking in a deep breath before turning away.

The inside of my cheek was caught between my teeth as I walked up to the bar, finding an empty space in order to get a drink...or maybe two. I caught the bartenders attention, ordering two Coke and rum's for myself and grabbing a few water bottles for the boys as well. They never remembered to get any before practices so I'm sure as hell they forgot to get any before this.

I left my tab open, knowing I'd be back for more before the night was over. I placed the three water bottles I bought in my large pockets, grabbed my two drinks from the bar and turned to head back towards the stage but instead running into something or rather someone solid.

I'm with the Band حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن