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"WHAT!?" Kyle yelled. Kenny put his hand over Kyle's mouth, shushing him. "Come on, Kyle! Trust me!" Kenny pleaded. "Last time you said that about the stray cat you found, i ended up getting 13 scratches, one almost hitting my eye!" Kyle yelled quietly as he pushed Kenny's hand away. Kyle was sitting on the bus alone and Kenny decided to talk to him. The problem was that Kenny said he dared him and Cartman to act like a convincing couple for two months for 300 dollars. "No, Kenny. I don't want to date Cartman, let alone be by him 24/7." Kyle grumbled as he crossed his arms. "I mean, you practically did date him for a day or two when he tried to set up Token and Nichole." Kenny said. "I didn't even know that was happening! And I don't want to do the same thing while knowing!" Kyle yelled. "Please!?" Kenny pleaded desperately. Kyle rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine." Kenny started doing a small celebration dance and then turned back to Kyle. "I promise you won't regret this!"

At the beginning of lunch, Kyle walked over to his locker and started putting his math books away and rummaged through it. "Okay so..." Kenny started. "I convinced Cartman and I decided to set you two up on your first fake date after school." Kenny smiled. Kyle slammed his locker shut. "Fantastic." Kyle said sarcastically. "I get free coupons from Tweek's parents coffee shop and I wanted you to have one." Kenny said. He handed Kyle a small slip of paper and Kyle proceeded to read it. One free coffee or drink of your choice as well as a free food item. "Well, that's nice of Tweek's parents but is it okay to give me one?" Kyle asked. "I already gave the other coupon to Cartman so there's no going back!" Kenny smirked. Kyle sighed.

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