two and a half

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    Emmy and Luke both turn to look at their blond friend sprawled out on the carpet. His eyes were glazed over as he stares up at the ceiling like it had all the answers he needed. It didn't. It never did.

    The four people in the room, Alex on the floor, Reggie on the couch, Luke and Emmy invading each other's personal space on the smaller couch, were all a part of Sunset Curve. It was a band that started in Emmy's living room, moving to a garage studio they all hang out in.

    Although Emmy didn't play any instrument, she wrote their songs (with Luke's help of course). Therefore, that's why she was always uneasy around Bobby, the lead guitarist. He always critiqued her songs in the worst way possible. She was content that he didn't hang out with them often.

    "What's a love language?" Reggie asks.

    "It's how you express your love to other people. There's gifts, doing nice things for them,, affirming words, touch, and just spending time with them," Alex explains.

    "That one!" Reggie announces. "Quality time. I don't know. I just feel better after hanging out with you guys."

    "Aw, you love us?" Luke teases.

    Reggies scoffs in response. "Absolutely not." Emmy turns to look at him, a knowing look gleaming in her dark eyes. He breaks. "Yeah, I do."

    "Physical touch," Luke decides, suddenly very aware of the way his knees were touching Emmy's on the loveseat they were both sitting on. Then, he became really conscious of the way he always wants to be near her. Can he blame that on quality time? Can he change his answer?

    "Ew," Emmy replies, scrunching up her flat nose in the most adorable way. Luke tries his best to not lean in and kiss her right there. "I don't like touching," Alex and Reggie glance at each other quickly, "or saying those three words, or just love in general. I just genuinely don't think I can do it."

    That's when it hit Luke. Even if he loved her in all the languages he could, would she understand that it was love?

    "I think mine's acts of service," Emmy finishes.

    "I can see it," Alex declares.

    "Yeah?" Em tilts her head to the side to look at her blond friend on the floor better.

    "Whenever I'm anxious, you always make me my favorite snack."

    "Whenever my parents fight, you show up at my door just so we can walk around the neighborhood, no matter what time it is," Reggie chimes in.

    Emmy furrows her eyebrows. She always thought she was really bad at showing how she actually feels, but her heart felt warm at the idea that her friends know she cares. It made her feel less of a fuck up.

    "Mine's words of affirmation," Alex says.

    "A praise kink in disguise." The blond sling shots the scrunchie around his wrist at Emmy for her joke.

    "As a member of the Praise Kink Society," Alex says heartily, "I like how you don't really say I love you, Em."

    "Why's that?"

    Alex shrugs. "It means you actually mean it when you say it."


i treat this section of the chapters like a private story, i just love to talk oops
whats your guy's love language? mines acts of service

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