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    Tripping on the now

    What is lost can be found, it's obvious..."

    Julie's melodic voice melts into her microphone as her hands shuffle against her keyboard. Emmy watches with a warm smile, skin getting those familiar goosebumps. She continues to sing, grabbing the mic when the boys appear in a flash.

    Emmy sways to the beat, feeling her veins surge with the pure ecstasy that comes with each strum of a guitar or rhythmic beat of a drum. Julie walks to Reggie, dancing with him as he plucks his bass. His fingers slide up and down the neck, head bobbing as it does.

    She could hear Alex's vocals during the chorus, losing himself in the song. He pours his entire soul into each flick of an arm.

    When she gets to Luke, Emmy can't help but smile. There was something about his contagious grin when Julie leans to him. His beanie keeps his hair from swinging to and fro over his forehead, but he continues to bounce.

    Luke's solo starts, his voice falling from his lips like a waterfall trickling ethereally into a stream. He looks out to the crowd, seeing Em instantly. He tries to keep himself from smiling, eyes casting down to his guitar. Luke shakes himself off, bouncing on his heels.

    Julie continues the chorus and by the time she's at the bridge, she's on top of the piano. Her mellow voice booms from the speakers, the crowd cheering her on. Luke moves up, each subtle step a note in his guitar solo. When his back is to her, Julie beams with a genuine light before standing.

    By the end of the song, the two share her piano bench, smiling dopily as they finish it and Luke disappears.


   "I'm gonna wipe the floor with you."

    "I'd like to see a string bean like you try."

    "Hey, at least I got length. What do you have, pinto bean?"

    Emmy laughs wildly, snatching the basketball out of Alex's hands. She turns swiftly and shoots. The orange ball hits the backboard, skimming the rim, and sinking into the net.

    The blonde groans, Emmy shouting uncontrollably. She runs to her teammate, Reggie, before throwing herself into his arms. He holds her to him, now running around with her legs around his waist.

    Luke stands with his hands on his knees, panting. "You're gonna let someone who's more than half a foot shorter than you beat you in basketball?" he gawks.

    Alex throws his arms in the air in frustration. "I don't even know how to explain myself!"

    When Reggie and Emmy finally come to a halt, she hops down and lies out on the pavement of Julie's house. She sighs happily before looking up at her friends. For the first time, they don't seem so dark.

    Alex runs over, throwing his entire weight onto her. Emmy gasps loudly, Reggie following with Luke right after him. The four of them cackle loudly, shoving at each other until they were all on their backs, heads in the center.

    "Everyone hold hands," Alex declares, grabbing Emmy and Reggie's.

    Em's other hand is engulfed by something warm, a jolt shooting up her arm. She turns slightly to see Luke, who was too busy arguing with Reggie over how to hold hands. The taller of the two wanted to intertwine fingers, the other being okay with just holding hands like Lego's.

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