Chapter 19: Izuku's Eternal Rivals

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Meanwhile, Izuku was just lying on the floor in the corridors, he was trying his best not to lose his consciousness as this was all he could do right now. However, he suddenly heard footsteps coming towards him.

A mysterious figure was coming close to Izuku with an evil smile, happy that his victim was unable to move. However, as the mysterious person got closer, he suddenly stopped.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A familiar voice said.

Izuku's eyes were blurry, but nonetheless looked at said voice owner, only to find that it was Kurogane-sensei. "Sensei... why are you here?" Izuku questioned in surprise.

"What do you mean by why I'm here? Of course, I couldn't miss my pupil's Sports Festival." Kurogane replied, before pulling up Izuku and helping him to stand. "You were going to use it during the second event, weren't you?" Kurogane asked.

"Yeah... but I never imagined that it would make me this... tired, after nearly using it. You were right when you told me that... it's a forbidden technique." Izuku replied weakly.

"And that's why I'm here." The older man replied as he opened his hand revealing a strange medicine.

"Uuum... drugs?" Izuku asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course not, why would you think I would give you something like that?!" The man shouted.

"Because you're still pretty... sus to me. I still remember when you... vanished like a ghost during our training." Izuku exclaimed, making the older man facepalm.

"And why would a ghost give you drugs?" He groaned.

"So, you do admit that you're... a ghost." Izuku pointed out.

"Just take the damn medicine!" He yelled at the younger boy.

"Yes, sir." Izuku quickly replied with a chuckle, as he took the medicine, and gulped it with water.

"Jesus, I swear Mori really turned out to be a much worse influence on you than I initially thought. Who in their right mind even suggested that he should be the one to fix your social skills and personality?" Kurogane questioned with visible annoyance as Mori and Daisuke both sneezed.

"So, what does this medicine do?" Izuku asked.

"It heals the negative effects that are caused after using that technique. After some rest, you should be able to fight and heal normally like you used too." The old man explained.

"Wait a second that's cheating." Izuku pointed out. He was perplexed as to why his sensei would do something against the rules.

"I figured out you would say that. That's why I made sure you take the pill first. Now listen, after each fight where does the injured competitors go?" He asked the younger boy.

"To Recovery Girl so that she could heal their injuries." Izuku replied, feeling much better now.

"Exactly, and then they wait until their next match, right?" Kurogane questioned Izuku again.

"Yes." He simply responded.

"Now, do you think that Recover Girl would've been able to heal the effects that your body sustained after nearly using that technique?"

"No, as we saw earlier, I went there and it made things worse since more of my stamina was depleted, and then when I used the Chidori things became even worse." Izuku murmured as he put his hand on his chin, thinking about what his sensei is implying. "So instead of going to Recovery Girl who would've been able to do nothing about the matter, it's like I went to you and you healed me with this magic pill."

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