Chapter 21: Envy vs Pride

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your time with your loved ones and I'm so glad to be back with this epic chapter. Unfortunately, I'm so busy right now and this is the last chapter I'll upload until February, so I hope you guys enjoy it because you're the best. Million thanks for your constant support, it really means a lot. Also, I won't be able to answer your past comments. I'm sorry, I'm too busy right now and they're just a lot. Maybe I'll try to reply to them on PM, or I think I'll start to answer more common questions starting from next chapter. Surely, things will be much easier if you send me a PM or join my discord channel, but whatever you guys are comfortable with. Anyways, it's time to let you read and enjoy this epic battle!

Last thing shout out to Mugetsu123, he was the beta reader for this chapter. Thanks a lot buddy!


Warning this chapter contains BNHA manga spoilers. Consider yourself warned.


"Kyudai!" A mysterious and malicious voice said with visible anger. It was the same voice that talked to Shigaraki through the monitor after the USJ attack.

"Yes Sir?" An old man of short stature replied while shaking in fear. He was completely bald and had a very large, bushy mustache and he wore rather peculiar goggles. "Is something wrong? Did I forget your medicine?" The man identified as Kyudai added with a shaky voice. He didn't like how his usually calm master called him. At first, he thought he forgot about his medicine but after doing a mental check he was sure he didn't forget about it, and even if he had his master wouldn't be this mad at him.

The mysterious man who was attached to many medical equipment raised his hand with some effort and pointed at the screen that was playing the Sports Festival. To be more precise it was playing the moment when Izuku was running at top speed with the Chidori.

"Eleven years ago, when Izuku Midoriya visited you in the hospital to find out about his Quirk, you told me that he was Quirkless, right? You were one hundred percent sure of it and showed me his test results. So how? How come is he at UA?! How come he has the Sharingan?!" He shouted as he slammed his chair's arm making the shorter man flinch, as his eyes shifted from the screen to his master. "The blood tests?! Did you do a blood test?!"

"I-I only did... the X-Ray..." The doctor stuttered as he was overwhelmed by fear.

"You fool! You're lucky that I need you to make the Nomus or else I would've killed you!" All for One yelled.

"But this is not his own Quirk, this is One for All, mayb-" Kyudai began but was cut off by his master.

"You think that I don't know that this is One for All! Who do you think you're talking to? I'm All for One! I'm the creator of One for All and I know that Quirk better than anyone!" All for One exclaimed with visible rage and if the doctor didn't know better, he would dare say his master was... nervous. All for One took a deep breath to calm down and revert to his usual persona. "Look carefully..." He said as he stopped the replay when Izuku gathered lightning in his hand to create the Chidori. "This isn't One for All... This is something else, I fought eight users of One for All and none of them had lightning powers because that's not how One for All works at all."

"What are you implying All for One?" Kyudai asked as he let out a breath, one he didn't know he was holding. He pulled out a notebook and a pen to write down what All for One was going to say next.

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