Chapter 5: The Aftermath

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The video projection has just ended and the small metal device turned off. Izuku was so happy. He was as happy as when All Might told him that he can become a Hero, maybe even more. He just discovered that he finally took the first step to achieve his dream of becoming a Hero. On top of that, he managed to achieve his goal of becoming the Number One applicant in UA, he made All Might proud!

He quickly wiped his tears that didn't dry yet and grabbed his pen and one of his notebooks. Izuku then wrote something and quickly closed his book before putting it away. Now was the time to tell his mother the good news.

"Mom! I did it! I got accepted to UA! I even got first place in the Practical Exam!" Izuku cheered as he burst out of his room. He wasn't surprised to see his mother still outside of his room.

Hearing this, Inko immediately pulled her son in a tight hug. "Izuku! Sweetie! I'm so proud of you! You did it, you got into your dream high school. I'm so happy for you." Inko said with tears of joy running down her cheeks. She had to admit, she still regretted the day when she couldn't tell Izuku that he could become a Hero. After all, she couldn't let Izuku risk his life fighting Villains without a Quirk. He's her one and only child.

But when Izuku came back from the Sludge Villain incident and told her that his Quirk finally appeared, she was so happy. Even though she was surprised because her Quirk is Telekinesis and his father's Quirk is Fire Breath, so it didn't make sense for her son to get an ocular Quirk, she was so happy for him. It didn't matter as long as Izuku had a chance to achieve his dream of becoming a Hero. After all these years, and after all they both went through, she was finally relieved that her son's eyes were no longer empty, but filled with the fire that was once there when Izuku was a kid.

"Mom... You're crushing me... I can't breathe." Izuku said, having a hard time breathing from his mother's bear hug.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry dear. We should celebrate your achievement, so I'll make you some Katsudon for dinner." His mother said as she brought her hands together and give Izuku a warm smile.

"Yes! My favorite dish! Thanks Mom!" He cheered. Today was definitely one of the best days in his life.

"Izuku..." His mother called him, grabbing his attention. "You're so cool." She pointed out. She was so proud of her son, who never gave up despite what he went through. He never gave up despite many people telling him he won't make it. Izuku never gave up despite no one believing in him, including herself. She had a feeling that never giving up is a trait that will stick with him forever, even as a Hero.

Inko then went to the kitchen to prepare the meal, her smile still on her face, while Izuku went back to his room and grabbed his phone to call his best friend, Ojiro.

"Hey, Ojiro!" Izuku called with visible excitement in his voice.

'Midoriya, congratulations! You did it! You made it to the first place!" Ojiro congratulated his friend and rival.

"I-I... How did you know?" Izuku asked, wondering how Ojiro knows about his rank.

Ojiro just chuckled, knowing his friend, any other information that came in after hearing that he achieved his goal wasn't entirely processed by his brain. 'The leaderboards, they showed it to us in the video projection and I managed to see who got the first place.'

"Ah right, I forgot about that..." Izuku said as he rubbed the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. "What about you? How did you do?" Izuku questioned.

'Well, I-I did manage to pass the written portion of the exam and I secured the tenth spot in the practical.' Ojiro exclaimed.

Izuku felt a bit sad for his friend, knowing Ojiro he might be a little bit upset over the fact that the gap between them is that big. The two teens declared their rivalry half a year ago and he was worried that it might come to an end soon. No, he hated this whole idea and couldn't stand it. After all, Ojiro is a worthy rival who pushed Izuku to better himself during their training together. However, is that still possible, now that he possesses the power of One for All, of All Might himself?

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