I noticed that Owen did not look very happy in the photo.  Maybe he's an outcast in his friend group.  Regardless, he looked very attractive in his white muscle shirt and I was not complaining.  You could practically see his muscles through it.  Gosh he was hot. 

I clicked out of the photo and began to scroll through his other tagged photos, which consisted of about 3 cringy photos one of his Jr. High friends posted way  back when. 

After realizing I wasn't going to be tired anytime soon, I decided to take a melatonin so I could finally rest.  Of course though, that meant I had to go downstairs to get one. 

I crept out of my room, careful not to wake Macy up on my way out, and tip toed out into the hallway towards the stairs. 

That's when I heard a noise coming from the living room, making me freeze in my tracks.  What was that?

Maybe I was just being paranoid from last night and the phone call from earlier, but I began to shake and I could feel my heart beating rapidly.  However, I'm not one to let suspense get the better of me, I had to check it out. 

I quickly, but quietly, grabbed a random vase we had sitting on display at the top of the stairs and braced myself for whatever was the come.  My heart began to beat faster as I thought about what could be down there. 

"Hello?" I called out as I took my first step down the stairs, the ceiling blocking my view from whatever was at the bottom.  "Who's down there?"

Nothing.  No response.  I then heard what sounded like glass shatter and my stomach dropped. 

What. The. Hell.

I gulped, still not ready to back down.  What if whoever was after Owen was here now?  What if they thought he was still here or he came back?  Or better yet, what if they think I know him and I'll give some sort of information?

I decided against calling out to the person again, and pulled out my phone, ready to dial 9-1-1 at any moment as I continued to venture down the stairs. 

I was to make one of two choices as I reached the last few steps; either peak around the corner and stay hidden just to see, or run out and surprise attack.  Surprise attack was definitely more up my alley. 

Holding my breath and saying my prayers, I motioned a cross over my body before jumping out at the intruder. 

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY-" I stopped dead in my tracks as I came face to face with my blonde shaggy haired brother who began to scream as well, clearly alarmed by my sudden and loud presence.  "What the hell Toby?! I thought you were someone coming to kill me!"

I roughly shoved him as he dropped the broom he was carrying and ripped out one of his airpods.  His face was beat red as he clutched his chest, still in shock. 

"What the hell yourself, you can't just pop out of nowhere in the middle of the night and start screaming like a lunatic!"  He shoved back gently before picking the broom back up and letting out a grumble.

"I'm sorry," I sheepishly apologized, knowing I was in the wrong.  "I just came down to get a melatonin and I heard glass shatter and you weren't responding so I thought we had an intruder."

I watched as he rolled his eyes and walked towards the kitchen. 

"Well first of all, I had headphones in so I didn't hear you say my name or anything.  Second of all, I accidentally knocked a glass of water of the counter and it broke." Toby grumbled as he began to sweep up shards of glass.  "And third, but most important, why the hell wouldn't you wake me up if you thought we had an intruder?!  What if they had a gun?!" 

I simply shrugged.  I guess I didn't really think about it, to be honest.  Besides, it's not like Toby has gun, so he would've been just as dead as me if that were the case. 

"Whatever," I put a hand up at him, as though to tell him I didn't want to hear it.  "I'm going to bed."

After grabbing a melatonin from the medicine, I left Toby to clean up his mess and skipped back up the stairs to my room.  Swinging the door open, I plopped the melatonin in my mouth and let it dissolve on my tongue as I turned to closed the door. 

Spinning back around to get in bed, my heart dropped and a scream escaped my lips at the sight I saw.

Thank you sooooo much for reading, don't forget to vote & comment if you enjoyed this chapter! (:

Since I made you guys wait over a year for an update, why not get a double update?(; I hope you guys enjoyed it haha

What do you think she saw???

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